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  1. #1

    Default Super sick (I don't think it's a stomach bug but I could use support)

    So everything was kind of right for me to get sick. A couple days ago this random guy was literally sitting right next to me, turned, and let out this huge freaking sneeze, right in my face. Also, my period is about to start, and I always get diarrhea the first couple days, which explains why my stomach is a little off, I think (still freaks me out no matter how many times I get it). I also went to the doctor's office and got my flu shot, so I'm either suffering from unusually bad side effects or that guy's gross sneeze gave me something.

    Last night my mom took my temperature and immediately came back with motrin. Naturally since I'm curious, a half hour later or so, I snuck downstairs and took my temperature myself. I saw that the maximum dose of motrin had brought my temp down to 100.8.

    I'm still in bed this morning, I can't even get up or I get this killer headache and dizziness and everything. The sad part is, she left the second dose of ibuprofen for this morning on my table, but I'm on a loft bed, so...

    I hate feeling like this! The feverish dizziness reminds me of the one time I had a life threatening fever as a child. I'm stuck here, not moving, stomach hurting and nauseous from anxiety/PMS (I sincerely hope), headache, probably a decently high fever but I can't even get to the thermometer, my throat is all weird, but I don't have coughing or sneezing... I have no idea what's wrong with me. I could just use some support I guess, I hate feeling like this and it happens so rarely to me that I'm really unprepared...
    Last edited by older.rmiller; 09-11-2015 at 10:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Super sick (I don't think it's a stomach bug but I could use support)

    I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. It's never fun for anyone to be sick, but especially when you have a phobia based around sickness. Just try to make yourself as comfortable as you can. If you have the energy - do things you enjoy even if its just watching a favorite movie. And then focus your mind on the future. Remind yourself that you will not feels this way to ever and in a few days you'll be back to normal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: Super sick (I don't think it's a stomach bug but I could use support)

    You should really try to go take the Motrin if your fever goes up you'll feel worse.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Super sick (I don't think it's a stomach bug but I could use support)

    My mom runs an in home daycare sort of thing, but she did come check on me and bring it to me like 45 minutes ago, so at least I'm up now... Everything hurts though

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Super sick (I don't think it's a stomach bug but I could use support)

    Sounds like a simple fever virus. They are a drag but thankfully are usually pretty short lived. If it were dangerous your mom would have seemed concerned I'm sure. Rest, get lots of fluids and wait it out. You'll be better before you know it! GET WELL!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Super sick (I don't think it's a stomach bug but I could use support)

    sounds like what syrup said- a fever virus. they are awful! but usually only last a few days. watch some movies and sleeeeep. the only concern i had with what you posted was you said your throat felt weird. does it hurt? i only ask because i recently had strep and it started with a sore throat and high fever.
    M I D N I G H T

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Super sick (I don't think it's a stomach bug but I could use support)

    Sounds like a cold or the result of your flu shot (which does give you a mild case to build your immunity to it). Sleep, drink and take Motrin and you'll feel better in a few days!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Super sick (I don't think it's a stomach bug but I could use support)

    Turns out it was the flu shot! I didn't get one last year, but I have no memories of ever getting side effects, and these were pretty bad. I just didn't go to school Friday but besides soreness where I got the shot I was 100% by Monday!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Super sick (I don't think it's a stomach bug but I could use support)

    Quote Originally Posted by older.rmiller View Post
    Turns out it was the flu shot! I didn't get one last year, but I have no memories of ever getting side effects, and these were pretty bad. I just didn't go to school Friday but besides soreness where I got the shot I was 100% by Monday!
    I thought it might have been that... i havent gotten a flu shot since i was 18 - it always makes me super sick. I had a nurse try to tell me once that it was an impossibility for the flu shot to make me sick (the same nurse that was brought into my office to give mandatory flu shots to the entire staff). I was the only one not to get the shot, as i vehemently refused and threatened to quit on the spot and sue if they forced me (it was just a regular office) and wouldnt you know, i was the ONLY person in the office to stay healthy all winter. Suck on that, big pharma

    Glad you are feeling better!!



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