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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default definite exposure...bring on the panic

    Had my friend pick me up and we went out to lunch. She didnt get anything which was weird but she told me she just didn't feel like eating. This kidna freaked me out but I was okay. We went back to her house and hung out for a bit. She later informs me that she had v* all of last night and v* this morning, but not to worry because shes "not sick". She has noo idea about my phobia. I asked her if she had a fever or felt tired and she told me she didn't want to get out of bed this morning but really wanted to hang out so she did. Literally in the middle of this conversation she gets up,tells me she has to puke and goes to the bathroom. MIND YOU I had sued this bathroom, touched door knobs etc. and had been biting my nails and eating food at her house. I am so freaked out. PLEASE help. I left like an hour after that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: definite exposure...bring on the panic

    Well that really is awful. She should have told you at lunch! That being said, it's still not a guarantee that you'll be ill. I am sure she v*ed into the toilet and not on the bed, sofa, etc. Beyond that, she's an adult and most likely washes her hands. Regardless of what happens, you WILL be ok! I promise!!! You're so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. I know the waiting it hard and the thoughts that enter your mind are awful and seem to be paralyzing at times. She could have been dealing with something ENTIRELY different if she claims that she wasn't sick. Does she suffer migraines? It could have been food poisoning. Again though, regardless of the outcome, you will get through and we'll be here to help every step of the way!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: definite exposure...bring on the panic

    Usually when you have the sv you aren't up to going out to eat and hanging out with friends. At least I know I'm not! While I have no idea what your friend is suffering from it doesn't sound like a sv. I am sure you are anxious and I would be too but there's no guarantee that you will catch anything from her. She should have told you before you went out though. That's just common courtesy, emet or not!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: definite exposure...bring on the panic

    Like Syrup said, you will be fine. I'm sure you'll get plenty of people tell you reasons why it may not be a stomach virus - and maybe it's not but nobody can guarantee that. What we can guarantee you is that if you do get sick, you'll be just fine. Am I right? It's normal that you don't want to be sick, because who does? But what's the worst that can happen? Maybe you'll v*? But so what? Ask yourself "so what?" When your brain and emotions start to spin out of control with fear that you'll be sick. So what? Try to answer that. When you can't come up with a logical reason it diminishes that fear. Remind yourself that you're an amazingly strong person who is more than capable of handling it if you were to get sick. Believe in yourself (I believe in you.)



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