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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States

    Default I have passed this damn phobia to my son!

    Omg. I see it in him. He has panic attacks if he starts feeling sick. He just woke up and freaked out because he felt sick. He started pacing the floor then said he was having a panic attack. This happens frequently. We listened to some relaxation on youtube and he went to sleep. I didn't think he saw me panic, I thought I was hiding it well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: I have passed this damn phobia to my son!

    Don't blame yourself, its not necessarily that he's seen it in you. I think a lot of children panic when they feel sick. My daughter absolutely sobs when she's sick. I have always tried my best to hide my phobia from her. Unfortunately I think v'ing is something that is scary even if you don't have a phobia of it, even for adults! It sounds like you've done great calming him down, hopefully it will be something that eases as he gets older.

  3. #3

    Default Re: I have passed this damn phobia to my son!

    Just like Anna said, its a death sentence for everyone! Probs scarier for kids though...

    Take his mind off it, kids are way too distracted to linger on it like we do!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: I have passed this damn phobia to my son!

    It's not a death sentence! I know you probably didn't mean it literally but I still do think that's a poor choice of words. Vomiting is NOT a death sentence by any means, even if it feels that way to us(me too!) sometimes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States

    Default Re: I have passed this damn phobia to my son!

    Thanks for the kind words, he woke up this morning and seemed fine. He apologized for waking me up. So sweet. I guess it is scary even for non emets. It does feel like a death sentence to us but that's our perception. I bet he's playing and having fun at break at school now and here I am exhausted and wrung out..lol.. they don't dwell on it like we do. Wish I had that carefree spirit

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: I have passed this damn phobia to my son!

    I know its hard, but try to focus on the fact that the majority of time he will be healthy. There will be times when he is ill and it won't be nice, but I've come to realise that even non emets dread their kids having an sv! All any parent can do is try their best, and care for our kids the best we can. I have come to realise that a lot of my fear is about having to deal with the mess if 'it' happens - the cleaning up and the smell so if one of my daughters is feeling unwell I try to keep it as light hearted as possible and say 'oh I'll get the bucket, just in case!' Then if it does happen I try to keep the well one away from the poorly one by saying 'oh dear poor X, she's not very well. Don't go too near her in case you get germys too' Sorry for rambling, but my point is that we all need to try to alter our way of thinking and plan in our heads ways of making things easier if we are put in a situation where 'it' happens. Just remember, if its gonna happen no amount of worrying will prevent it we just need to try to ease the anxiety it causes! You're a great mum, and you do the best you can for your son and it clearly works as the following morning shows, bless him

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: I have passed this damn phobia to my son!

    Yes, I am always checking in with my friends about how their kids act and YES, 99% of kids panic when they think that vomit is a possibility. The KEY is whether or not he acts normal the rest of the time. Emetophobic kids disturb the normal function of life with questions about vomit and are constantly looking for reassurances that they aren't ill (like many do here). His reaction wasn't out of the ordinary if his tummy was wobbly. It would be concerning if he were doing this every night, not just now and then.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    United States

    Default Re: I have passed this damn phobia to my son!

    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    Yes, I am always checking in with my friends about how their kids act and YES, 99% of kids panic when they think that vomit is a possibility. The KEY is whether or not he acts normal the rest of the time. Emetophobic kids disturb the normal function of life with questions about vomit and are constantly looking for reassurances that they aren't ill (like many do here). His reaction wasn't out of the ordinary if his tummy was wobbly. It would be concerning if he were doing this every night, not just now and then.
    This is exactly right! Not only that but if he does wind up being emetophobic, I don't think you can or should blame yourself unless you've really gone out of your way to make him feel shame or guilt for vomiting or to teach him to think of it as we do. In fact it sounds like you have bent over backwards to make sure not to do these things!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States

    Default Re: I have passed this damn phobia to my son!

    Wow, so many good points. Thanks y'all, it means more than you know to have this support. I see now that I may have jumped to conclusions and his reaction wasn't all that bad. Many, many thanks



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