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  1. #1

    Default A little support, my acid making me yucky?

    Need a bit of support please

    Hi there!
    I have been on a road trip for 6 days now, stayed in 6 hotels. Tonight is my last night in a hotel before I reach our home. I've been struggling with my acid because of fast food and having no medication. Going to bed wit acid and waking up early with slight nausea as a result. Also not eating all that much because my throat is very pressurized and I can't eat much. My excess stomach acid problem gives me pressure in my throat and slight nausea. I've been sat in the car for seven hours today and we couldn't eat until really late, I was starving. When I finished eating I felt nauseated in my throat again and 99% sure that my acid is to blame. I mainly need reassurance because of staying in the hotel. Im finally here now and occasionally it won't be too bad then I get burpy and feel nasty in my throat. It isn't really getting better although I do get occasional hunger pains. My stomach is okay just random little twinges every now and again. I'm with my famiy of five in one room and one bathroom. Im worried of being up at night on my own in the dark, I get anxious in hotels when I feel yucky. I'm dreading the next 12 hours. Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Northern California

    Default Re: A little support, my acid making me yucky?

    hang in there!

  3. #3

    Default Re: A little support, my acid making me yucky?

    I'm struggling! Last night so I'm pleased about that, but my family are now eating food and it is giving me waves of nausea, even though my stomach itself is rumbling. I had some Excedrin Migraine earlier on p, on an empty stomach. I am wondering if that is contributing as it sometimes makes me feel a bit yucky. This is extreme though, my throat keeps giving me waves of nausea ��

  4. #4

    Default Re: A little support, my acid making me yucky?

    Keep putting it down to acid, it will help your brain to say 'Ahh OK panics over' and just push on through, stick to bland food like bananas pasta and rice and even cheese otherwise the fast food will become verrry tiresome.

    That acid throat stuff is something I couldn't pinpoint for years and finally I realise it flares when I'm anxious or stressy....as unpleasant as it its such an indicator that it's your oesophagus suffering cos of stupid leftover acid. I know its very exhausting but cope with it with mints and try not to use anything too strong unless you REALLY have to...



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