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Thread: Job Ideas?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey all,

    I was wondering if any ofyou had ideas for jobs that don't require a lot of college to get. I have so far 2 years of liberal arts (a degree) under my belt, and I am a cashier, and well I would like to look for something else. Its just I find it hard doing the same thing over and over, and plus I'm stuck at the register, and dealing with all those people. Also I do have at the back of my mind a fear of what if I have to go br when Im up there and can't get away from the register? Also, the place I work at, I mean I have seriously almost walked out several times for the treatment I've gotten. Its just turned me off to being a cashier.

    I was thinking like just some sort of office help, or maybe like say like in a hospital, to do a job that doesn't require like a medical degree, but something I could do. This gal that worked wherre I do (she just left), well she got a job (for no experience!) hanging up x-ray pics and its like $12 an hour!I was like man! She got it because she has connections. Argh that bugs me, I mean Im aware that happens a lot, but I don't really have much in the way of connections like that, but something like that would be fine by me. She's earning like twice as much too for what we have to do as cashiers. Anyways, just something more like that, I have a hard time thinking of things, because all that goes thro my mind is cashier or waiter, and I'm not keen on the waiter thing, I've heard thats lots of stress, and of course your still dealing a lot with people. Anyone have any ideas? Edited by: Galadriel

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    You are going to hate me too then. I work in the hospital, Xray file room. I have no degree for what Im doing ( apparently you are supposed to have a transcripitionist degree for it) and I generally spend my day scanning forms into a computer and fetching patient files for doctors. I can't argue with the pay,I got it cause my mom and dad both work there. I'm guaranteed a job there untill I finish my uni degree.

    But you know, there are lots of jobs working in the hospital. The caffeteria workers in our hospital make like 13 bucks an hour where as at a normal resturant you'd be making mininum wage. Have you thought about that? You wouldnt be around the sick people, and you'd get treated MUCH better.

    then theres the hospital cleaning staff. I don't think you could pay me 20 bucks to work there. deffinetly an emets worst nightmare, lol.

    I know there has to be many more jobs there, you should call the administion desk and ask if there any jobs are available and if you could speak to someone who is in charge of that.

    I love working in the hospital, even some days when I gripe about it. I have never gotten sick from working there, so i don't think thats a worry.

    Let us know what you can find. it seems in this world, having qualifications are not enough. I deffinitly did not get most of my jobs for my experience, but more so for who I know.
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey Babydoll,

    Yeah it definately seems that in a big chunk of the jobs, its who you know. It rots cause I don't know anyone in any of these things I'm looking for. Your job sounds good, it would be great if I could get into something like that.

    Should I just say walk in the front door and ask the front desk? Are the administrative people the front desk people, or are they like human resources people?

    I definately would like to try to get into something like this. Is it easy on your emet? I mean is it easy if you have to run to the br and such? Thats one big drawback about cashier, I feel stuck up there for hours, and any bit of nausea feeling is just horrible, cause I feel so trapped.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    You could also consider medical transcription. I know where I live it requires a one year diploma program at our local college. But, I've heard the money is pretty good. I live in a small town, so wages aren't real competitive with the larger cities. I also know that where I work (the health department) there are many jobs that do not require a degree and you do not have to interact with sick patients. It is just routine receptionist duties. The money is alright but the benefits of working for the state are wonderful. Not sure if where you live has anything similar, but it's worth looking into!

    Good luck!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    I agree with what jess said. My position is only temporary and I only work in the summer and at Xmas breaks. The company is known to hire students for this, but unfortuantly It won't bea life long career, and thats why they can hire me without the creditentials.

    if you wanted to actually get a permanent job with what I do, you do need the degree, and I don't think its all the hard. A few years at most, and then you'll be set.

    I don't ever have issues with my emet at work, all the other students I work with ( 4 of us) all have something funny that we are phobic with and we can laugh and pick at ourselves. becasue I'm pretty open about my phobia, I don't worry about it that much, and have never had to leave work because of it.

    there are usually two of us on at one time in the file room, So If i have to leave and go to the bathroom its no big deal.The hospital i work with is one of the busiest ones and biggest ones around, so there is always something to do. I also have to look up patient reports on the computer and be able to fax them off to doctors offices as well. You get used to the hospital setting, and I'm not afraid of being in a hospital anymore.

    I'm not really sure who to get in contact about it, I think human resources would be a good start ( we have one in our hospital).They will tell you what degree you need and where to get it. I know different hospitals have different regulations.

    I think you would really like this job. I never realized how many people it took to take an xray before this, lol. It also has helped me value my health and what I have to live for so much more, because you see so many sad and sickly people at the hospital.

    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Since everyone is on the hospital topic, there is the hospital business office, and it does not require a college degree. At the hospital I used to work at, there were cashiers who posted payments to patient accounts. It does pay above minimum wage. There are also insurance reps who try to get the insurance companies to pay up on patient accounts.



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