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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    United States

    Default Antibiotic question

    Hey everyone!

    I hope all is well. I posted a couple days ago about getting my wisdom teeth taken out. I had all 4 taken out and they gave me some antibiotics to prevent infection. They gave me 500 mg of amoxicillin that I have to take 3 times a day. I have to eat before I take most meds or my stomach gets upset. I'm going back to work tomorrow and need some ideas of what I can bring as a snack so I can take my meds. Is there a certain amount of food I should eat before taking an antibiotic or do I just need something in my stomach? The food I've been eating at home won't be stuff I can easily take to work so that's why I need some suggestions. Also a side note about wisdom teeth, how can I keep the holes in my mouth clean and free of food? I've been eating relatively normally since day 2 after the surgery but am scared to get food stuck in there causing a further infection. Do I have to wait until the holes heal over to eat normally? The doc didn't give me a syringe but said I should be doing a salt water rinse after eating. Any thoughts on this? Thank you so much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Antibiotic question

    I would take like Cheerios where you can kinda suck on them till they get soft and are much easier to eat, they are loaded with carbs to help with take the antibiotics. Even a banana will do too! As far as the salt water rinse you don't want to swish it around in your mouth but more like move you head side to side kinda forcing the water to move around to dislodge any particles of food. Swishing too much can harm the stitches and you don't want that! I had mine removed 15 years ago and I was fine up until one night I woke in so much pain like screaming pain, ends up I had dry socket. I'd rather give birth again with no drugs than get dry socket!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Antibiotic question

    Can you stop by a pharmacy and pick up some syringes? That helped me the most for keeping the area clean after eating. I ate a lot of soft foods until I was ready to eat more dry/hard foods. I remember eating apple sauce, yogurt, jello. CMM811 has a good idea about the Cheerios. I would try that too. xx

    "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." - JFK

    "All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt." - Charles Schulz

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Default Re: Antibiotic question

    Hey ! The previous posters made some good suggestions about snacks. Nutrigrain bars, toast, Greek yogurt etc. I wanted to answer your second questions about keeping the holes clean . When I had mine removed , all four. I was given a medium sized syringe to rinse out the holes. This helped me so much because often times small pieces of food would be in there. About 4 days after my surgery, I started to get some aching pain but I new that I was going for a follow up in a couple of days. So , when I went he pulled out a whole peanut ! I had been eating nature valley sweet and salty bars ( so don't eat those!) that's why I suggested something more soft! Maybe you could ask for a syringe ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    United States

    Default Re: Antibiotic question

    Can someone please help?! I'm freaking out right now. I've been taking the antibiotics with food and everything. I never feel queasy while taking it but feel queasy and woozy/fatigued after a couple of hours. The doc doesn't think this is related to the antibiotics and thinks I'm sick with something else. I'm supposed to take my antibiotics in an hour but can't eat because I'm queasy. I just don't feel like myself! Has anyone else experienced this and is there anything to do about the woozy fatigued feeling? It's affecting my life/job

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Antibiotic question

    Some antibiotics will literally make me starving, so I have to eat every hour pretty much or I get shaky and n. It's weird. Maybe try eating more in between instead of just when you are taking them?
    If your dr doesn't seem concerned I wouldn't necessarily be. Trying eating more and LOTS of water. The pharmacist told my hubby after I had sinus surgery that n* and v* is more likely with antibiotics the less water you drink with it. Because it doesn't break it down more and disperse through your body instead it sits like a rock in your stomach so to speak.



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