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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Food Poisoning Worries

    After about an hour of research, I'm turning to you all. I need a more personalized answer to my worries.

    I am a college student and therefore do not like to waste food. I had 2 pieces of deli turkey meat in my fridge today and figured I'd finish it. However, I bought this turkey on the 11th, meaning that it is now 11 days old. I was aware of this when I took the turkey out. I felt it to check for slime--it was a bit slimy but no slimier than any other piece of turkey I've consumed in the past. I smelled it and it smelled fine. I heated it for a brief time in a panini press. I ate the sandwich and thought it tasted a tad tangy but also thought that maybe I was imagining it. The sandwich also had cheddar cheese so the tang could have been from that. Overall, the sandwich tasted normal.

    I really don't know why I ate it, knowing that I would freak out about it shortly after. The "Sell by" date on the bag is the 15th, presumably meaning the turkey could've been sold on the 15th and my eating it would only make it 6 days old--unless that date is reserved for unopened turkey. However, it came in a ziplock and it's been stored in that same ziplock since the day I bought it. It's also, obviously, been in the fridge.

    I'm just waiting for my stomach to turn. I am so angry at myself for eating it, especially since I have class tonight and I will be on edge for the rest of the day. So questions for you all: Was eating the turkey a dumb idea? Do any of you eat cold cuts beyond the recommended 3-4 days? This turkey isn't processed but there is a high amount of sodium, hopefully meaning there are a lot of preservatives? Ugh. Please help me. I don't know what to expect now.

    I also should mention that I feel like I HAVE eaten old turkey in the past and was fine. But that's not a definite.
    Last edited by alesh31; 01-21-2016 at 12:21 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Food Poisoning Worries

    Even though I'd freak too, I think you're just over thinking. Eitherway, you're not gonna stick your fingers down your throat and go back in time so I'd just carry on with your day and enjoy yourself, chances are the best before is a big big precaution so you'll be fine.

    You'll make yourself unwell if ya keep obsessing about this........

    If you're fine within two hours of eating it I'm sure you'll be OK!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Food Poisoning Worries

    Thanks for the response. I know, it's so hard not to obsess over lol. I'm reading such mixed things online--some people say they always eat turkey past 10 days, others say they'd never. So fingers crossed. Never doing this again, so not worth the obsessing...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Food Poisoning Worries

    Never say never See how you do. If you don't get sick (most likely case) then you can use that lesson as a tool in the future. You can remember, "I did this before and then worried over NOTHING." Honestly, if it looked, smelled, felt, and tasted fine I would probably have eaten it as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Food Poisoning Worries

    I'm second-guessing now and thinking, "you know what, maybe it didn't taste so great..." but of course I'm doing that. What else would I be doing right now!?!? GAH. Good point, though. If I survive this, I will know for next time!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Food Poisoning Worries

    I usually stick to 3 - 5 days, but it depends if it was cut fresh or if it came packaged. Regardless, you ate it and you just have to let it run its course. I think you would know pretty soon if it wasn't agreeing with you and most likely you'd have d. If its been hours and hours, you are probably ok. But don't do it again.

    For the future, use the site for help


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Food Poisoning Worries

    Thanks. I was actually looking at that site during my still-in-progress frantic researching. Do you think I would've felt some symptoms by now? I ate it around 1 so it's been 2 hrs. Some websites are telling me symptoms of fp can occur from 2-6 hrs after consumption--and that's only for the common types of fp. Other types are 24 hrs or more. I will be going crazy for that long, most likely. Lesson learned. When in doubt, throw it out. You'd think I'd know that lesson by now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Food Poisoning Worries

    well it is almost 7 hours since you last posted, so I can saw with near confidence that if you are still fine NOW (9-10 hrs post) you are going to be fine. but yes, throw it out. it is not worth the couple of bucks you saved.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Food Poisoning Worries

    While I wouldn't risk it, my dad is the type of person that cuts the moldy parts off bread and cheese and sandwich meat then eats it, and he's NEVER gotten food poisoning in the 15 years I've been alive. Sometimes I also accidentally eat the things he won't let the rest of us throw out and I've been fine too. You're probably ok, as mdgirl said, but maybe don't eat that kind of thing in the future.
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