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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default This semester at school has really been putting my emetophobia to the test!!

    This semester I decided to stay on campus instead of commute, like I did last year. I stayed with two friends and one random roomie. And they have ALL been sick since school started for me last Fall. Fun part? We all share one bathroom! (Yay! Not.)

    I posted about this before, but the day after the random roomies moved in (this was in September last year) she caught FP and v* in the room we share together. (In a trash can, thankfully. But still in the room). Then a month later, one of my friends I live with got sick and v* too (but this was just from too much medication; some painkiller that messed with her stomach.) Then last week, my OTHER friend randomly got sick and started to v* too. (it only lasted an hour, she said, and then she was fine)

    Then today, the rando roomie gets sick again! She's convinced it's FP again because she ate a chicken sandwich from this place on campus, and she said it tasted funny.(Plus she left the sandwich in her bag for like, and hour and a half). Then an hour later she starts to v* This kinda worries me tho because we both got chicken sandwiches from the same place, only I ate mine immediately after I got it. So far I feel fine and it's been about 3 1/2 hours.

    So far I've just been really stressed out and anxious. Thank goodness for Lysol though. But now I'm really afraid I'm gonna catch a SV at some point. Or worse, since everyone else has been sick that it'll be "my turn" soon, so to speak. I know that's not exactly logical but that's how I feel.

    How have you guys survived rooming with others in college or just in general? If I had known it would be this bad I would have continued commuting!
    Last edited by dannisnow; 01-28-2016 at 01:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    midwest and new york and venice.

    Default Re: This semester at school has really been putting my emetophobia to the test!!

    youre braver than i would be!!! i would have started living in my car to avoid going in that dorm room haha but im sure you're fine if its been that long! good for you for being that brave!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: This semester at school has really been putting my emetophobia to the test!!

    Hi there,
    I lived in a dorm my freshman year of college with a communal bathroom (what a nightmare!) but I have some tips for survival. I let my roommate know about my phobia and she was very understanding. We shared a room and I never caught anything from her or from using the bathrooms. A lot of people on my floor came down with SV and when they did I just avoided the toilet they used or went to the bathroom on the other side of the hall where no one had been sick. I recommend getting some clorox wipes and bleaching the bathroom if one of your roommates gets sick. Above all--wash your hands before eating! I'm willing to bet that you would've been sick from that sandwich by now, especially since your roommate got sick an hour after eating it and it's been 3 hours since you ate it. It sounds like she might have fp from leaving it in her bag or she's just sick. Props to you for trying a new experience despite this phobia! Living in student housing was a big hurdle for me too but I am SO glad that I did it despite the exposure because I wouldn't trade those memories and friendships for anything (including this phobia!)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Re: This semester at school has really been putting my emetophobia to the test!!

    I have recently written a blog about my emetophobia at travelwordpr.WordPress.com.
    I was put to the test as I was in a boarding school during high school and had to leave my dorm room each time someone was sick to sleep in another room.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Re: This semester at school has really been putting my emetophobia to the test!!

    @gabixxriella Oh trust me I've considered sleeping in my car and driving home a few times! And it's been a few days now and I'm still not sick from the sandwich! However some people at where I work recently came down with an SV so now that's a whole other issue. ugh!

    @scaredemet28 I've gone out and bought some Lysol wipes and some more Lysol spray! Now I just have to pick up some gloves and I feel a lot safer. I've also been washing my hands like craaaazy with super warm water and lots of soap. And My roommate is doing better now and I'm still ok! And yes it's very challenging living on campus with this phobia but student housing is a pretty interesting experience!

    @afiadkay That sounds like something I would do! The first time my roommate was sick I almost slept in the living room rather than the bedroom with her.



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