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  1. #1

    Default Do you guys ever mistake something else for n*?

    I know it sounds weird but I've noticed when I'm super tired or feeling off with aches or a headache I'll think I'm mildly n*...I get anxious with even a missed hour of sleep and then when I can't pinpoint what I feel, I think I'm n*...
    I'm feeling anxious tonight as I'm going out with some friends to a gig and I'm due on any day and I'm just feeling shaky and nerv and keep thinking its n* when in fact, when I swallow, my stomach is settled. I had a red bull about three hours ago which was a bit of a fail seeing as I'm sensitive to caffeine at this TOTM and didn't eat since around 2/3 pm...

    Is this a common thing for you guys? Not the shaky anxiousness but putting every symptom that isn't clear down to potential n*? #JustEmetThings haha
    'Since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal'

    2 Corinthians 4:18💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    South Florida

    Default Re: Do you guys ever mistake something else for n*?

    I am right there with you! I mistake everything for nausea/on set of a stomach bug. And I mean EVERYTHING.
    We're going to be okay!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Default Re: Do you guys ever mistake something else for n*?

    I am exactly the same don't worry haha
    The worst is when I'm super tired. When I have a headache, I can deal with it, when I am on my periods, not so much but still, but when I am tired oh my, I mistake everything for n*. Even though deep down, I know why I feel this way, my emet mind goes crazy and I get anxious.
    I can relate when you say "When I swallow my stomach is settled " because that's how I realize I'm ok ! lol

  4. #4

    Default Re: Do you guys ever mistake something else for n*?

    Oh gosh yes, everything feels like nausea. A few hours ago I was going back to my middle school since I've been helping them do the sets and tech work for their play, and as I walke dup to the doors I was like "nooooo I feel so sick of gosh I'm going to be sick" and then I realized that it was really just "ugh, middle school" feelings
    Call me Koi or Koiz
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Do you guys ever mistake something else for n*?

    Haha so glad you guys are the same.... It's crazy! It's good when we discover that were not s* though, but I've definitely told people I'm unwell even when I'm just a but on-edge. I've cancelled so many lectures and plans this year already which sucks....grrrrr....I've kinda trained myself how to tell whether I'm actually s* or not though by doing the "smell food" test, that usually helps. Emet is exhausting!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    new york

    Default Re: Do you guys ever mistake something else for n*?

    i always think I'm n. i can be hungry or tired or have a headache, indigestion, reflux, totm etc.. all n in my mind. lol. if i have ANY caffeine my heart races and i immediately think i am sick. i have left work/school on occasion bc i felt like i was n but once i got home or close to my safe zone.. it magically disappeared. i wish there was a way to stop that. so annoying and ruins my life. ughhhhh.. we are not alone!!!!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Do you guys ever mistake something else for n*?

    Yeah I have done the going-home from class thing too then literally as I walk home I know I'm OK....

    And the coffee thing happens to me too ! So stupid how I always think it everyday! Grrrr



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