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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Husband sick and I am 35 weeks pregnant and freaked out!

    Being a pregnant emet is hard enough but I've made it this far! My husband just came home from work said he has a headache and feels sick to his tummy. He is quarantined in the guest room and has a trash can in there (why he never tries to make it to the restroom is beyond me). I cannot take care of him--it's just too risky for me. My mom is all "well you've already been exposed at this point!" which isn't helping me at all. I feel bad for him and I hate when he is miserable. I can usually (well, 2 times) empty his trash can for him and bring him water, etc. But being this far pregnant and already having to deal with anxiety I just cannot be a supportive wife. And I'm not working right now so I'll be home all day with him and/or his germs. Sigh. I hate this. I need normalcy during this pregnancy--it's the only thing keeping me afloat and now everything is so messed up! I wish he had just gone over to his parent's house instead of home (although poor guy deserves to be comfortable). HELP!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Husband sick and I am 35 weeks pregnant and freaked out!

    How is he doing now? He could have a migraine. That's what it sounds like.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: Husband sick and I am 35 weeks pregnant and freaked out!

    I was thinking migraine too. That wouldn't be contagious at all to you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: Husband sick and I am 35 weeks pregnant and freaked out!

    He never even got sick! Went to sleep and woke up today saying he felt really good. So strange. He said he was on the verge for several hours yesterday but nothing ever happened. He also had severe D a few weeks ago with no other symptoms at all. I'm wondering if it's more related to something internally like gallbladder. ???? But of course the man won't go to a doctor!

    So all is well today. Thank you for the responses! I just want to get this baby out and get my body (i.e. control) back



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