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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    New Mexico

    Default Terrified and Trapped

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and desperate for help. Hubby and I went to a a kid birthday party Saturday and by the next evening we were both ill. Me, mild d*, bad n*, headache, hot/cold. He had the works for over 12 hours, really bad. Suspect was food which probably had been handled by an infected person. I didn't eat, husband did. But I served him and kissed him while he was eating. 10 people from the party were sick by the next day. Anyway, I moved out of our bedroom and I'm terrified that there are germs everywhere. I had a professional cleaner clean the whole bathroom and vanity area, with their cleaner and with my requested bleach and water. I don't want to go into that room but I have to get clothes from my closet for work, which is five feet from where all he action happened - closet door is always open! I've gone in to the room twice to get clothes and I am in a total panic. I wear disposable gloves around the house and wash my hands over and over. I haven't eaten much at all because I'm so stressed. I don't eat much anyway as this emet has led me into an eating disorder. I will only eat "safe" food and now I've knocked two foods off my list (fresh veggies even though I scrub them). Can anyone relate??? I feel like such a freak, trapped, unhappy and soooo stressed. Had lots of Xanax this week but that can't go on forever. Help! Thanks in advance, Lily

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Default Re: Terrified and Trapped

    How are things going? Feel your pain. I'm a Fire Fighter EMT and went into 2 sick houses a few days back. I was terrified for days waiting for MY flu to come..but it never did. A lot of hand washing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    New Mexico

    Default Re: Terrified and Trapped

    Thanks so much for your reply. I'm still out of the bedroom. My hubby has moments of impatience but is trying hard to understand. My OCD is crazy out of control though. He's in there right now spraying every surface of our room with a Clorox hydrogen peroxide solution we ordered online, that apparently kills Noro. Dang I can barely even get myself to type that word. Don't know what I would do without Xanax. Glad you're in the clear! You must see your fair share of this stuff in your line of work. You're a brave soul, so give yourself a pat on the back for that! I would have turn and run from that house!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Default Re: Terrified and Trapped

    Yeah everybody usually looks at me like I'm a huge dork when I walk in the house with gloves, mask, eye protection. You'll be fine, just keep washing those hands.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    New Mexico

    Default Re: Terrified and Trapped

    Thanks for the encouragement. We ordered Clorox Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner from Amazon, which kills everything under the sun. My hubby sprayed down the room, handles, surfaces, dresser, etc. and I am STILL nervous to go in there. I'm soooooo out of control, it's embarrassing.



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