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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Texas, USA

    Default Obtaining Zofran

    I have noticed multiple people on here talking about Zofran and I was wondering how do y'all get it? I feel like most doctors won't prescribe it when I ask.

    i live in the US, Texas so maybe it's different in different areas.

    it really helps me and is a comfort to have it. I am down to my last pill. A friend gave me his leftover prescription.

    Just wondering how how everyone else handles this.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Obtaining Zofran

    Honestly some dr's hand then out like candy some you have to have a legit diagnosis to get them. I've had two major sinus surgeries and still get sinus migraines, my dr's know about my phobia and how the migraine affects my body so I'm prescribed it, I can also get it through my ob/gyn since my pms causes such severe n sometimes but I don't use it all that often. I've had the same bottle for nearly a year. I only use it on worst case scenario days and have used a couple on my daughter (who also gets sinus migraines), the problem is it's a crutch. To beat the phobia we can't have crutches, yes it's nice to know I have them but I don't pop one everytime I feel n. It's when the n is extremely bad and I still have to be mom that I use it. I would look more into alternative ways to deal with n than RX. Peppermint oil is great, in a dōTERRA consultant and we have a great tummy blend oil, that is in capsules and like a antacid tablet that works wonders on upset tummies! We have ginger teas and chamomile teas!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Obtaining Zofran

    I'm in the US as well, Oregon though. My doctor prescribed it to me when I told her I'd gotten some of it while I was in the hospital, and that it helped my IBS discomfort. I may have stretched the truth a little. I really had gotten a prescription for a few of them from the ER when I explained to the doctor there that I was afraid of getting sick from a tooth abscess, but how well it helps my IBS is debatable. That was a couple years ago, now she knows it's a phobia-fueled preventative thing and she's still fine with it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Texas, USA

    Default Re: Obtaining Zofran

    Quote Originally Posted by CMM811 View Post
    Honestly some dr's hand then out like candy some you have to have a legit diagnosis to get them. I've had two major sinus surgeries and still get sinus migraines, my dr's know about my phobia and how the migraine affects my body so I'm prescribed it, I can also get it through my ob/gyn since my pms causes such severe n sometimes but I don't use it all that often. I've had the same bottle for nearly a year. I only use it on worst case scenario days and have used a couple on my daughter (who also gets sinus migraines), the problem is it's a crutch. To beat the phobia we can't have crutches, yes it's nice to know I have them but I don't pop one everytime I feel n. It's when the n is extremely bad and I still have to be mom that I use it. I would look more into alternative ways to deal with n than RX. Peppermint oil is great, in a dōTERRA consultant and we have a great tummy blend oil, that is in capsules and like a antacid tablet that works wonders on upset tummies! We have ginger teas and chamomile teas!
    I am already using essential oils and teas, and Emetrol, they help for some things. I also only use Zofran as a last result and have had the same 5 pills for the last year or so but I am down to the last one so that is why I was asking about how people get prescriptions. I would hardly call it a crutch if I very rarely use it. I am not a mom, but I too need it on days that I cannot let nausea keep me up all night or keep me from work. I have been getting severe PMS nausea so maybe I can ask my GYN.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Obtaining Zofran

    Ask your doctor, that's how. Yes, many won't prescribe it just to have on hand because of the potential of side effects.

    And please stop taking other peoples prescriptions. I could care less what it is - it's all illegal and if you have a reaction to it can hurt and possible kill you. It was not prescribed for you, I do not care how safe you think it is. And if you get caught with it you and your friend could go to jail. But, good luck either way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Re: Obtaining Zofran

    I live in the US too. I was prescribed it because I went to an urgent care feeling very nauseous. They gave me a prescription because they thought I had constipation. If you have any IBS symptoms from your anxiety I reccomend saying that. Doctor's prescribe anti-emetics for sufferers of IBS.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Obtaining Zofran

    Quote Originally Posted by m.moopz View Post
    I live in the US too. I was prescribed it because I went to an urgent care feeling very nauseous. They gave me a prescription because they thought I had constipation. If you have any IBS symptoms from your anxiety I reccomend saying that. Doctor's prescribe anti-emetics for sufferers of IBS.
    That's crazy they prescribe it for IBS suffers but I guess it depends on the type you have? Cause it does cause constipation which would create more of a problem with someone who suffers chronic constipation. My whole life I had constipation problems (hubby calls them rabbit pellets I know tmi lol) and my daughter has inherited it from me, maybe we have some sort of IBS even though we eat tons and tons of fruits and veggies we still get constipated. But I've noticed when we drink our greens we go regularly. Weird but hey if it helps keep my guy healthy I'm all for it 😜

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Obtaining Zofran

    Quote Originally Posted by veronicac2212 View Post
    I am already using essential oils and teas, and Emetrol, they help for some things. I also only use Zofran as a last result and have had the same 5 pills for the last year or so but I am down to the last one so that is why I was asking about how people get prescriptions. I would hardly call it a crutch if I very rarely use it. I am not a mom, but I too need it on days that I cannot let nausea keep me up all night or keep me from work. I have been getting severe PMS nausea so maybe I can ask my GYN.
    I didn't say you use it as a crutch I said many people do. We all have our crutches but there are many ways to treat nausea without RX. If you suffer from that much nausea I would see a dr regarding that, or dig deep and see if it is anxiety related nausea. I've noticed 90% of my nausea can be anxiety and sometimes even legit nausea but if I can get my mind focused in another direction I can combat it and work on getting better with nothing at all but my own body and mind.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Texas, USA

    Default Re: Obtaining Zofran

    Quote Originally Posted by ChiGal View Post
    Ask your doctor, that's how. Yes, many won't prescribe it just to have on hand because of the potential of side effects.

    And please stop taking other peoples prescriptions. I could care less what it is - it's all illegal and if you have a reaction to it can hurt and possible kill you. It was not prescribed for you, I do not care how safe you think it is. And if you get caught with it you and your friend could go to jail. But, good luck either way.
    I appreciate the input but I got on here for input and support, not to be lectured or judged. I am aware that it is illegal to take someone else's medication but as most people on here know sometimes you feel desperate for something to help.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Obtaining Zofran

    My doctor will not give me Zofran. The only thing I was able to get was phenergran which doesn't help all that much and I feel really hung over the next day. I haven't asked for it in a long time though so maybe doctors are prescribing it more frequently now? It can't hurt to ask your doctor. You might get lucky and get some.



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