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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Exclamation General illness feeling (no v* occurred) causing panic!

    Going to be as detailed as possible:

    I'm an 18 year old girl with presumably as-expected hormone levels and having my period usually regularly and all of that. I'm of a healthy weight for someone my height I believe, and I have a cup of coffee and a cup of tea (with caffeine yes) every day. I don't have any chronic illnesses, I don't get colds or anything like that very often at all, and the extent of my physical problems are only in my bowel and me having tension and migraine headaches often. Oh and joint and back soreness I guess.

    For I think 5 days now, I've felt like garbage in general. Foggy and weak, with a dull pressure in my head that isn't like my normal tension headaches. It's making me lose my appetite and is freaking me out. I don't have any other symptoms; my head feels a little warm but there's no way it's a fever, and I'm not sniffling or snotty or having a bad throat or anything.

    Lately, the weather's been pretty cold, and I ended my period no more than a few days ago, so maybe it's one of those things... that's what I'm hoping! And I REALLY just want it to go away because it makes it hard to eat, it's making me freak out, and I just want to live my life... I have things to do, I can't let this control me.

  2. #2

    Default Re: General illness feeling (no v* occurred) causing panic!

    Would you say you have brain fog? That's how my problems started as well, go to your doctor and ask for a Hydrogen Breath Test. My problems started with brain fog, sometimes to the point I couldn't hold a conversation. Then it (not to scare you) turned into one day thinking I was going to v* and end up having a lot of stomach problems for the last year. If it is what I have, it would be better to nip it in the butt before it gets any worse (I had the brain fog for 2 months before it turned into anything else).

  3. #3

    Default Re: General illness feeling (no v* occurred) causing panic!

    Cassie Hubbard, what was your actual diagnosis??

    Romesco, iVe had similar symptoms on and off for about a decade unfortunately, it started about your age so I don't have good news, I've been to doctor after doctor and they all don't know what to tell me and just shrug it off. I gave Ibs and I get these attacks that involve the whole nervous system, like you said - weak, dizzy, cold or hot, shaky, queasy and needing to have bm. It definitely gets the worst at PMS so i think it's hormonal, and I figured the vagus nerve is somehow involved or extra sensitive, but I havent been able to find anything that helps. It does help to know that it's not illness. Though if course, even after years of it, I STILL freak out almost every damn time that this time it's so 😭

  4. #4

    Default Re: General illness feeling (no v* occurred) causing panic!

    My diagnosis was SIBO. Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth. I also have Candida, which is like a yeast infection except it's full body and not just on your genitals. It causes reoccurring vaginal yeast infection, my stomach will hurt and/or feel very bloated with a lot of pressure, especially up near where my ribs end. It also gives me constipation. Candida can cause all symptoms of IBS as well. It can be hereditary, you can get it from taking oral birth control, or having to many yeast products like bread, beer, etc. Other things can cause it too. Once you have it you can get rid of it but it takes a long time and isn't easy, but if you maintain a very healthy diet the symptoms will fade and you'll feel better. Candida is something you should look into, so many people don't know it exists. I believe it's the root to "IBS" and all these digestive problems everyone seems to have, and doctors try to avoid people knowing because if everyone knew then they would get practically no business because everyone's digestive issues would go away. Just food for thought, it wouldn't hurt researching it.



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