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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Default Has anyone used the Thrive programme??

    Hi there, this is my first post and I was so relieved to see there is a forum just for people who also suffer from this like me!

    i am currently seeing a psychologist- she wants to do exposure therapy but I'm moving so so slowly (often backwards) and I feel there must be another way?? Has anyone got any experience with the Thrive programme for emetophobia? I have purchased it but would love to know if anyone has had any success with it. My therapist thinks the only way to over come this is for me to actually *V but I just don't think I can do that..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Los Angeles, CA

    Default Re: Has anyone used the Thrive programme??

    exposure therapy awful and unnecessary. try thrive out. i'm working on it now. i'm struggling but at the very least understand this phobia so much now and i dow the steps i have to take

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Default Re: Has anyone used the Thrive programme??

    Sorry to say but your therapist is misguided. Exposing yourself to it can often make it worse and doesn't actually get to the root cause of why you feel this way in the first place. I have just recently got the free Kindle version of the book too! (I am in Canada and don't want to spend 100 bucks to buy and ship it here - well, at least until I think that it might actually be effective.) So, I've just recently taken a dive into the book. I read the intro and chapter one and did the exercises. Here is what I am thinking - let me know if you both are interested. This site is so filled with panic and anxiety that sometimes I feel like it actually makes me worse. I don't mean any disrespect to the people on here and I am completely empathetic to the stresses and fear that everyone has here and think that this is the perfect outlet to vent and gain insight. HOWEVER, sometimes, it gets to me a bit and sort of hinders my own progress through this.

    Since all three of us are going through the book maybe we could start a support thread and sort of hold discussions about what we read on there? Maybe help each other make sense of it more somehow? Doesn't have to be a daily thing - it is just a thought. I'd love to come on here and feel as though I am being helped through this in some way as opposed to being bombarded with stories of feeling sick. (again, no disrespect to anyone).

    Let me know what you think?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Los Angeles, CA

    Default Re: Has anyone used the Thrive programme??

    that's a good idea. the thread of panic (and this site in general) is just helping us reinforce all of the unnecessary irrational fears we have.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Has anyone used the Thrive programme??

    Just wanted to say, I did exposure therapy about 20 years ago. I went all the way.. to induced v*. I was told it would ''cure'' me. Oddly, the experience of induced v* was not that bad (ok it wasn't fun, but you know what I mean). It did not cure me, and I progressively got worse again afterwards. Having a child really tipped me over the edge though, the endless sv... I also did Thrive. I saw Rob Kelly for Therapy for about 4 years. I made heaps and heaps of progress, but then became a single Mum and frankly its just been down hill ever since. I sometimes wonder if had my ex not been so dreadful (he was very abusive, violent and took pleasure in creating phobia related anxiety for - then divorced me for it!) that perhaps I would have continued to improve on thrive. Honestly, there is a lot in it - and I'd recommend it to anyone.



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