Okay, this probably comes in part from the emet but also (mostly) from my INTJ personality of having a coldly logical outlook on human actions: yes, everyone should be taught to properly wash their hands, from the moment they can actually stand up next to a sink. And proper hand washing technique, with soap and water, should be verified and enforced until it becomes an automatism. The world would be a better place if that was the case. I dream of becoming health minister just so I can tyrannically enforce this in all school programs and offices and brainwash people into washing their hands properly every single time they use the washroom. And closing non-automatic faucets with a clean paper towel to avoid cross-contamination. So that they'd be good little worker bees who don't make others ill with their germy hands full of bodily waste residues. I'd also teach proper disinfection techniques for various diseases and the basics of cross-contamination in the first biology classes. Maybe we could even stop the transmission of stomach viruses altogether with this, if everyone complied.