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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Default Please help, think this might be it!

    So I have been feeling bloated all day I just carried on about my day, ate some breakfast (buttered toast) and a twix. Well I was in my kitchen washing up and about to make tea when I started to feel like I have before I have v* in the past (weird feeling in jaw, salivating a lot and shallow breathing) Now i'm absolutely terrified that its going to happen. The weird thing is that I dont feel n* just a bit uncomfortable. Also I had a touch of heartburn earlier which I took a pill for. Does this sound like I'm going to? Or that I have an SV. Im really freaking out!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Default Re: Please help, think this might be it!

    If you're not nauseous, then it's highly unlikely you'll v*. If you've been feeling stressed about getting something, that could attribute to the heartburn and shallow breathing. Heck, sometimes I feel like I'm going to gag when I'm really anxious! Reading your previous thread, you would not just be coming down with something now. It's been quite a few days; if you had
    gotten anything, seems to me that you would have had it and gotten better by now! Don't worry, anxiety will just make it worse. Try to relax

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Please help, think this might be it!

    Heartburn will do that to me once in a while. It's super scary, but it hasn't made me vomit yet. Usually it happens after I eat something sweet while having heartburn. So maybe your Twix is to blame. How are you feeling now?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Please help, think this might be it!

    Recently I tried to drink Ramune (a fizzy soft drink) when I'd been having gas and heartburn in the hopes that it might relieve the gas by helping it get out - it did pretty much exactly what you described. Seems like sugary things with an acidy stomach can do that so it might just be the Twix!

    V*ing without n* is extremely rare, so it seems like you'll be fine. How are you feeling now?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Ipswich, Suffolk, UK

    Default Re: Please help, think this might be it!

    It don't sound like a sv if your not n*, you probably just have a little heartburn or indigestion



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