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Thread: A bit worried

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Orange County, CA

    Default A bit worried

    I was out with my wife yesterday when all of a sudden she got very n* and started dry heaving. She v'd a very small amount and then she has been fine ever since. She even ate some ravioli a few hours later and there has been no more v*. The part Im freaking out about is I accidentally used her toothbrush last night after she had used it!
    My fears have been better lately, in fact I haven't been on here in a long time. And her being n* didn't freak me out as much as it normally does but this whole toothbrush thing has sent me in a panic!
    My question to everyone right now is,do you think she is even sick? Can you get N all of a sudden and then dry heave and be fine and not actually be sick??
    Any help or words of encouragement is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: A bit worried

    That honestly doesn't sound like a stomach bug. The suddenness of it may fit, but people usually actually vomit a few times and not just dry heave when it happens, and it isn't a one-off event (that happens in kids, but not so much in adults). Does she have any neurological conditions like migraines? I wouldn't be too concerned about it being infectious if it was a one-off thing and she was fine after and didn't have any other symptoms (lingering nausea, diarrhea, fever), but I'd be worried about other serious health issues. Maybe she should see a doctor to get this investigated.



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