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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Alabama, USA

    Default Anxiety making everything worse

    So, on top of my emetophobia, I also have a lot of stomach problems which definitely don't help my situation. I have stomach ulcers and IBS, and I get constipated a whole lot which I guess has to do with the IBS. Well its 4am and I have been up all night being very n* and feeling very full and I haven't eaten since 10:30pm but I think that's why I feel the way I do. Ive had 3 panic attacks and have kept my boyfriend up all night and I feel so bad. He says I need to get some sleeping pills so I can sleep at night instead of worrying all night about potentially v* which he is very understanding with my emet and everything but I feel awful keeping him up. Its an endless cycle bc ill feel n* and itll give me a panic attack and I will just feel more n*. I just want to feel better. I've tried tums, nauzene, emetrol, and drinking sprite and not much luck yet... I'm crying right now someone please help me I'm tired of keeping my boyfriend up all night... he's very sweet and supportive and everything I need but he doesn't understand emetophobia, and he needs sleep.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Anxiety making everything worse

    Try therapy and seeing a doctor about the anxiety. That's pretty much the best thing you can do to help break the anxiety cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Anxiety making everything worse

    Do you have a heating pad and a warm beverage you could sip on. Sometimes making myself warmer around my tummy and sipping something hot will make me sleepy, and I can relax. Can you turn on the tv?



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