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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default Waiting and wondering


    So on Wednesday night my boyfriend got up at like 2am and went to bathroom and was sick. He was sick 4 times and had a bit of d*.He knows about my phobia so slept in spare room and I have had minimal contact and not used same bathroom since. I then wore face mask and gloves and bleached bathroom and hot washed towels etc. He slept in spare room again last night and will sleep in there again tonight. I bleached light switches and tv remotes etc and washed hands loads. I have been using loo downstairs away from bathroom. Will he have been contagious before hand or am I in the clear? Luckily we had minimal contact on the Wednesday night anyway as I had tonsillitis. Please help put my mind at rest, I'm going crazy. I have been drinking grape juice and taking probiotics too. Thank you. xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    louisville kentucky

    Default Re: Waiting and wondering

    My bf just started getting sick today so i am in the same boat love... i wish i knew these answers

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default Re: Waiting and wondering

    Quote Originally Posted by Wynter Loveless View Post
    My bf just started getting sick today so i am in the same boat love... i wish i knew these answers
    It's so scary isn't it. It has been just over 48hts now and he slept in spare room again last night. I still feel worried though and have a terrible cold at the moment which doesn't help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    louisville kentucky

    Default Re: Waiting and wondering

    Well if your belly is fine so far id say ur in good luck . Just make sure to bleach the bathroom and keep ur hands clean

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default Re: Waiting and wondering

    Thank you for responding. xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: Waiting and wondering

    I know the question of "will I get it" when someone we love has it gets asked all the time on here. But i honestly wonder what kind of statistics there are for those like us. Like, if the people (such as who created this thread) came back and reported whether or not they ended up getting it, what would the odds look like?

    Anyway, my husband has it and even though we haven't even hit 24 hours yet I feel like this day is lasting forever. Our sweet 7-month old girl is sure keeping my spirits up but I haven't eaten at all today for fear of ending up like my husband. I've been to the store to get bleach and a mask and gloves. I'm prepared to clean up and sanitize this place!

    I wish I could just LIVE my life and let whatever happens, happen. I look at my baby and don't want to pass this anxiety/phobia on to her. So much time spent worrying...makes me sad. But I can't stop.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default Re: Waiting and wondering

    I know, tonight it will be 5 nights since my boyfriend was ill but I am still paranoid. I hate being like this and having to ask everyone if they think I will be ok. It is so hard to have to be constantly worrying and also very tiring. I hope you are all ok and I'm sure that if you are vigilant and wash hands all will be ok. xx

  8. #8

    Default Re: Waiting and wondering

    Genuinely think you'll both be ok, I shared a bed with a noro infected person last year, we had a nap in his v* intervals... No idea what the heck I was thinking but he assured me it was fp

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Waiting and wondering

    It seems to be a common theme in a lot of threads about incubation periods.
    I wonder what, if any medical factors are involved in why some people get ill within a certain timescale and others do not and how much that incubation period varies with dif strains of *sv

    Seems like if there was a more definitive equation everyone would feel a lot less concerned for longer periods?

    Maybe thats expecting too much of undefinable factors?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Waiting and wondering

    Quote Originally Posted by Male50s View Post
    It seems to be a common theme in a lot of threads about incubation periods.
    I wonder what, if any medical factors are involved in why some people get ill within a certain timescale and others do not and how much that incubation period varies with dif strains of *sv

    Seems like if there was a more definitive equation everyone would feel a lot less concerned for longer periods?

    Maybe thats expecting too much of undefinable factors?
    I think it's how much virus you ingest. And how good your gut health is. Just my opinion. I really don't know.



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