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  1. #1

    Question Going on vacation with a frequently motion s* brother

    So my family and I will be going on vacation soon and my little brother has been getting motion s* fairly often since he's started puberty (which I think runs in our family because I was like that myself when I was starting puberty) and we're going up to Montana from Arizona by car so we'll be driving a lot of the time. Along with him being motion s*-prone I'm worried I'll work myself up into anxiety induced n* or get motion s*myself, which I'm usually not, but I think my birth control pills have given me the side affect of motion s* so I'm worried about that too, but it could have no affect like that and my little brother's motion s* might be making me anxious in the car, with him in it especially. Plus, the seven of us, myself included, will be in a car all cramped together with me in the very back with my nephew's car seat in the way and even though it's all just my family, I'm uncomfortable being cramped like that. Should I take some Dramamine and plastic bags along for myself just in case? Should I try to convince my little brother to take some Dramamine himself? Is there anyone else who had puberty like that that they can share some tips about?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Going on vacation with a frequently motion s* brother

    I would definitely bring along some chewable dramamine! Usually with motion s* there is enough warning when one starts to feel queasy that you could give them the dramamine at the very first sign of symptoms and that may be early enough! Of course, your stress level would probably be more manageable if he was willing to take dramamine before the trip began. If you don't usually get motion s* you don't really need the dramamine, but taking it could have the added benefit of being able to nap throughout that long car ride and get it over with more quickly! Maybe that would also be a good incentive for your brother to take it! Good luck and let us know how it goes!



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