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Thread: Advice please?

  1. #1

    Default Advice please?

    My name is Jenna and I'm a college student, this is my first time posting on the forums and I've had emetophobia for as long as I can remember. Today I went out to eat with a few friends and I ordered a thai tea and pad Thai with no eggs and tofu, and I ordered this to make sure that my odds of getting f*p* was lowered. We then went back to my house and I began to feel ill. Whenever I have n* I start to panic and whenever my anxiety kicks in I get n* so it's hard to tell if it's from food or from my anxiety. But today I had sharp pains in my very lower abdomen, so bad that I had to unbutton my pants. Then about 20 minutes later the pain went upwards to my stomach. I have scared of getting sick very frequently but sometimes they're very very bad and this is one that's very bad. I've been trying to tell myself that it's just from all the sugar and dairy in the tea, which it very well could be. Or that it's from the spicy noodles even though I only ordered mild (I can't handle spicy food). But currently I have pains in the middle of my abdomen and feel a lump in my throat. Drinking water and ginger ale make me feel the same and sometimes worse with the case, I just want advice and for people to advise me if I will be okay. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great evening.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Re: Advice please?

    Sorry, only just seen your post. Hope you're feeling OK now.



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