Ugh. My boyfriend is physically a clean person, but very unhygienic if that makes sense. He NEVER washes his hands (and says that's why he has "such a great immune system"), only when I tell him to (and that's when I catch him!). He doesn't even wash his hands after going #2 which pisses me off to no end. He knows my phobia. We have lived together for 2 years. I dread the day when he gets sick because we live in a 1 bedroom/1 bathroom apartment. He works in the city. Touches everything. He takes the train, then the subway, and works with computers. He always brags and says that I "need his germs" because he has "the strongest immune system" which I hate because I think he's gonna jinx himself.

Anyway, all of the above things he does bothers me but he won't change.