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Thread: Freaking out!

  1. #1

    Default Freaking out!

    Now, I recently had learned that my cousin, who I live with, is sick. This is the situation.

    Maybe about one or two days ago, my aunt was talking to my mom about my cousin and how she’s doing in college, she brought up how my cousin told the professors she’s been feeling sick and thinks she caught a bit of a bug, but then said how she still sounds sick. Now the word “bug” automatically scares me. Virus? Not so much. But the word “bug” as far as I know (I may be very wrong) has only been used to refer to viruses that effect the stomach, such as noro. Not things like cold or the flu.

    Hearing my aunt say my cousin still sounds sick brings a tiny bit of relief, not a lot because I could also be wrong on this, but because I don’t recall norovirus or any stomach bug affecting your voice. I would associate that with mucus caused by sinus, flu, cold, etc.

    Now, I haven’t paid much attention these past couple of days, but I don’t think or at least don’t remember my cousin making frequent bathroom trips or anything, but today, knowing she’s sick, I asked my mom what she was sick with, considering the fact that she was just in the bathroom that me and my sister have to use, and my mom said, causally, “oh, just allergies.”

    I don’t believe her one bit. My mom lies to me habitually to prevent me from panicking but that deals so much more damage to me mentally. She said she’d never put us in a situation where we’d get sick, and I believe that. However, if we were in one of those situations, I know for a fact she’d lie about it, which would make everything worse.

    Anyways, as I had just went to use the restroom to pee. While peeing, I noticed a tiny light brown spot on the toilet seat and I bent down closer to the toilet to get a better look (sorry if I sound gross rn lol) and I’m positive that it was diarrhea I saw, so now I’m really scared. I really think she has the stomach virus, despite no one telling us, and I think I definitely got exposed to it.

    Why the hell does this shit have to happen to me? Why am I cursed!?
    Last edited by trs12345; 10-21-2017 at 02:58 PM.



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