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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Default Irritational Thoughts Please Help!

    Hi everyone. I've been a long time lurker and I finish made an account as I am finding myself being extremely irrational a out my exposure to a SV.

    My daughter was sick on Monday (she's 6 years old), she handled it like a pro and I let her sleep and what not in our bed next to her dad while I cleaned the house (my way of coping). I jammed her garbage can between my night stand and the bed so she had somewhere to be sick so she didn't have to run to the bathroom. Kiddo was better within 4 hours!
    So I cleaned all the door handles and surfaces. I even wiped down my night stand but a few days later my friend and I were talking and she informed me my all purpose cleaner wouldn't rid hard surfaces of the virus so to use a 1:3 ratio of each and water. So I did. But I forgot to clean my night stand.
    So here I am on a Saturday night. My period arrived and I was reached under my side of the bed to get my heating pad. Well. My mouth rubbed up against the night stand. Right where her puke bucket was.
    So at 3am I have a full on panic attack. I of course wiped my mouth off. But nothing but bleach gets rid of this virus so what the heck do I do?
    Nothing. There's nothing I can do. If I got it. I really have it now and that SUCKS.
    But I can't get passed it. I can't get that out of my mind. Out of all the places I cleaned. I didn't bleach the heck out of my night stand. Where my phone and other things are.
    I don't even know what I am looking for at this point. I am irrationally scared and yo-yoing between being ok and being not ok.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Irritational Thoughts Please Help!

    How did you end up?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Re: Irritational Thoughts Please Help!

    Are you okay now?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Irritational Thoughts Please Help!

    You are doing a great job. Hang on in there. Sometimes this is a burden we have to suffer. May God bless you and give you strength to do the right thing xx



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