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  1. #1

    Default Am I dooming myself?

    I’m at my grandparents’ house right now. My uncle had a stomach virus about 4 months ago and considering that there’s only one restroom in here, you have to be very cautious whenever someone’s sick. Now my grandma had beaten breast cancer a year and a half ago.

    My grandpa hasn’t been sick in forever, but both of them are in their 70’s with my grandpa almost being 80 so their immune systems aren’t as strong. My uncle would disinfect the restroom after he used it to prevent them from catching the virus.

    My issue is the toilet.. I don’t think they ever cleaned the actual toilet & I heard the virus can live for several YEARS in water, so I’m paranoid. I had to pee so I went in there & used my foot to flush. I forgot to put the seat down (it was already down beforehand) before flushing & I’m scared the particles shot up and landed on my face.

    Am I at a huge risk right now?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Am I dooming myself?

    I think I just made matters even worse for myself.. I stuck my head & washed my mouth under the sink they washed their hands in.. what if their hands would touch the part where the water comes out? Am I definitely getting it now? I mean.. that’s the same water that goes on your hands that will touch food and go in your mouth when you eat, right?
    Last edited by trs12345; 12-15-2017 at 05:59 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Default Re: Am I dooming myself?

    You will not get it.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Am I dooming myself?

    You have nothing to worry about - I think I’ve seen your posts before and if I’m right, you were there not long after he actually had the sv right?
    You didn’t catch it then so your chances of catching it now are literally nothing. I’ve never heard of viruses living in water, but think how often that toilet will have been used in 4 months so the water will have constantly changed etc, and no-one else has caught it. Try not to worry, I’m sure you will be just fine

  5. #5

    Default Re: Am I dooming myself?

    Yes, I was. The reason he got sick is unknown. We both have OCD and usually want to keep as clean as possible, so I wouldn’t think his co workers got him sick. My grandma thinks he got sick due to eating an eggplant salad as it was a few hours after that when he started having stomach issues. Whether it was SV or FP, I don’t truly know. The doctor said it was a virus though so I go with that.

    Thank you. That definitely provided some comfort.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Am I dooming myself?

    There is no way that after four months a virus would still be in that toilet water. The toilet would have been flushed thousands of times since your uncle was sick. You have zero to worry about. I’ve also never heard of viruses living in water for years, especially water in a toilet that is constantly changing.



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