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  1. #1

    Default Up during the night

    I haven’t posted in a couple years. My emet has finally gotten better this past year. I went through my worst about two years ago and finally seem to be feeling like I am overcoming it...so I thought.

    I am a subsititite teacher this year and this past Monday was awful. There were several kids in school just v* in the halls. I had a 5th grader who got sick on the bus on the way to school and the nurse did not send him home because he said he felt better and wanted to stay. Of course a few hours after he v* all over the classroom (thankfully not my room ). At the end of the day another student v* all over the hallway during dismissal. Teachers and janitors were talking aaying how bad it’s getting and of course my anxiety has been terrible. Thankfully, I haven’t come in direct contact with it so I think I should be ok. I’ve been washing my hands like crazy and avoiding touching my face at all costs. Just worried when I go back after Christmas break (I’m off now until January 2nd) that it’s going to spread like wildfire.

    i am also posting because I’ve been up the past hour or so a nervous wreck. I had pizza for dinner and ate more than I should have. I get really thirsty when I eat pizza so I woke up during the night around145 and chugged water. I layer back down and I didn’t feel right. I got up and it hit me. The stomachache and nausea. My heart started pounding, I started to sweat, and v* kept coming up but I did everything in my power to stop it. It took about 20 minutes for me to get it under control but thankfully I did. Not sur if the sudden feeling sick and v* urge was from waking up and chugging too much water or if I am getting the bug. I’ve been laying in bed and feel much better just paranoid and feel anxiety. Thank goodness for my essential oils. Peppermint is what helps me through my n* every time.

    still so paranoid that I’m going to catch it from being exposed at work. Trying my hardest to stay calm. Thanks for listening!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Up during the night

    Hi, I understand totally how you feel. I have just posted for the first time in ages about a panic attack I had last night and almost V'd. Like you I tried to stop it happening but I even heaved at one stage as I couldn't control it, thankfully I didn't V and managed to get to sleep but its set off my panic again.

    It can't be easy for you seeing people being sick at school. I still have flashbacks to when I was at school (as a scholar) and someone was sick in class or the assembly hall, I can still remember every detail about it to this day, I am 56 now. It really is awful. I hope you feel better soon. I am on leave from work today and am just going to get myself ready to go out which is usually never a problem but now I am feeling on edge about it. I do need to get milk and food though.



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