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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    New Zealand


    In the past year I have hadmore incidents than usual of feeling like I am going to vomit.

    With all of them I have woken up and thought..yikes, feel yuck..might be sick. Now this is the part I need some help understanding!!!... I head off to the loo and immediately need to lie down, because I think if I stay standing I will faint or definitely be sick! On my way to the loo I always grab a stemetil (anti nauseant pill) and quickly swallow that! It's got to the point now that I keep them in my dressing gown pocket!! How ridiculous!!

    I honestly feel that if I didn't swallow the stemetil then I would throw up! But the needing to lie down to get it under control is what really bothers me... does anyone understand???? I have a lot of faith and trust in those damn wee pills!

    If I wasn't an emet of course I would go to the loo and puke!! BUT no..and I hate the drama of it all!

    Please tell me of your experiences!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    United States


    Carri ,

    It sounds like anxiety because if you were going to get sick you would
    have. Adleast that is what my doctor always tells me. Your
    associating the pill with not getting sick, thinking if I don't take it
    you will. The big test is to not take the pill to prove to
    yourself you won't. Scary thought i'm sure. I went through a
    similar thing a few years ago, waking up feeling warm and yucky. I
    ended up not being able to sleep in my bed for three months. I
    had to get over it. My husband and I bought a house and we
    renovated the whole thing eventually the only room completely
    finished was the bedroom(no furniture in the living room ) I got
    use to being in the bed room because i had no choice, now there is no
    place i'd rather be.[img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] I told
    someone else about doing a probablity list . You should try it
    . For your pill you would put down

    If i don't take this pill I will get sick.</span>
    Then you put down a percentage of how sure you are that you will be
    sick, 50% 85%, and when, two days later or an hour .
    After your predicted time has passed you see that almost always getting
    sick never happens. It helps to get rid of the rituals and false
    beliefs all of us emets have. Take care. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] </font>

    \"Sickness is a belief, which must be annihilated by the divine mind\" -mary baker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    New Zealand


    It's 50/50 with what you say! I agree partly.

    Once I didn't take the pill and I dry wretched for a while! That kind of made me feel less confident. Now I have to try and judge the situation and mostly I think I have a virus of some sorts..but not always..I do agree with what you say..and I like your idea.

    Vomiting is a problem (obviously) but I do dry wretch if it's something quite bad.

    Thankyou very much for replying, and I like your courage!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Hey guys,

    You know something I've found? Well, I hate the middle of the night the most as I associate it with being sick and alone, but I realised something not long ago that has totally helped.

    I wake up feeling sick in the night more often than I would like, and also feeling totally irrational and unable to reason with myself (my greatest weapon gone - oh no!) and I figured out that it happens when I overheat in my sleep. Then I head for the toilet (just in case, you know) and after about ten minutes my body temp cools right down and I feel okay again. But its always when I've gotten too hot. The funny thing is, when I wake up sick, I can't tell that I'm hot!!! So I have to convince myself that thats all it is, even though i can't feel it, you know?

    the best bit is that having a good 'reason' for feeling sick, and knowing that it won't last long means i don't flip out and panic, which we all know makes nausea worse. so I've been able to handle this one much better :O)

    this might not be the same prob as you, but I hope it helps anyway - my best advice is that if you find a way to shut off the panic, it always makes the sickness go away faster!

    good luck guys!

    Meg :O)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    P.s. by the way Carri - you're a champ!! keep up the good going! :O)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by meggy

    Hey guys,

    You know something I've found? Well, I hate the middle of the night the most as I associate it with being sick and alone, but I realised something not long ago that has totally helped.

    I wake up feeling sick in the night more often than I would like, and also feeling totally irrational and unable to reason with myself (my greatest weapon gone - oh no!) and I figured out that it happens when I overheat in my sleep. Then I head for the toilet (just in case, you know) and after about ten minutes my body temp cools right down and I feel okay again. But its always when I've gotten too hot. The funny thing is, when I wake up sick, I can't tell that I'm hot!!! So I have to convince myself that thats all it is, even though i can't feel it, you know?

    the best bit is that having a good 'reason' for feeling sick, and knowing that it won't last long means i don't flip out and panic, which we all know makes nausea worse. so I've been able to handle this one much better :O)

    this might not be the same prob as you, but I hope it helps anyway - my best advice is that if you find a way to shut off the panic, it always makes the sickness go away faster!

    good luck guys!

    Meg :O)

    This is so true! ^_^ Carri, I know it's gonna be a bit tough, but you have got to train yourself out of relying on the pills. The dry retching is anxiety- I get it when I work myself into a real frenzy, which only happens say once a year or so, when I REALLY panic...so not very often.I'm aiming to make it even less ^_^ You just need to reassure yourself that there is no need for you to get so worked up. When you do wake up and start to panic that you might v*, replace the bad thoughts running through your head with good ones. It will take some practice, but eventually you'll get it- we've all got the mental strength to do it, its just learning to do it in the first place that takes the effort. So think of something you really like, or something you're interested in- or picture a really calm, serene place in your mind. Sounds lame, but it will work...and if you can keepyour concentration on anything but v*ing, the feeling will pass, and you'll be asleep again in no time.

    On the topic of overheating, I find making sure you're not too rugged up when you go to sleep will help. Try not to have loads and loads of thick blankets up around your neck and head...keep them thin around there, if you can, and have the majority of the thickness over your lower body.

    lol...does that make any sense? XD Anyway, thats how I sleep. Its much more comfortable, and I never wake up hot

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    United Kingdom


    i know how you feel but mines the other way round lol! i have to stand up and pace the room or the landing which makes me feel better and if its in the middle of the night i have to wake someone and tell them i feel ill just incase cause i cud no way be sick on my own id die of panic attacks and choking prob!

    Try the deep breathing technique i swear by it and try to pace up and down - my best tip is keep yourself busy when ever you feel sik or panicky. Seriously sounds crazee but i do cross stitch or draw or read a mag or do a crossword just to keep my mind from going " sick sick sick sick your going to be sick" it toally works and the pacing keeps your mind off it

    I take sickness pills to your ment to take 2 a day so dont worry if your taking them often

    Sarah xx
    Sarah Louise - Were Alive, So Take A Deep Breath

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    New Zealand


    Thanks all for your ideas and suggestions - I am going to be working away at this one! But tomorrow is my assessment at the phobic clinic and after that I will be in therapy and I really want to gain more useful strategies and conquer this altogehter!

    Thanx a heap... you are all so kind and awesome to reply!!




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