Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    Hi everyone! I'm Marty. This is my first time posting here, though I've
    dealt with emetophobia for just about as long as I can remember.

    For several years, it was never a severe issue, but when I was 13, I
    had my first panic attack at the library with my family. I truly
    believed I was going to v*, so we all rushed home and I laid in bed for
    4 days without eating a thing. I lost a lot of weight and had no desire
    to eat anything for a long time. After 2 or 3 days, I started to have
    plain shaved ice because I was too afraid to eat anything else.
    Eventually, I started to have little bits of bread, juice, and other
    types of less bland food. In all, I missed almost 1 month of school and
    it took more than a year to get back to a normal diet.

    I saw a therapist, and told him that I was afraid of getting ****, and
    he prescribed a medicine called Paxil to me. I was quite young at the
    time, so I regret taking it now, but my parents didn't understand what
    was happening to me, nor did I really, so we were desperate for any
    "quick fix."

    My fear never truly went away, though I had been dealing with it fairly
    well up until this summer. Last year, I lived in the dorms at college,
    and I even v*d twice without issue! Of course I was very frightened
    beforehand, but afterwards I was very relieved and even able to joke
    about the situation with my friends. Now, I'm living at home and won't
    go back to the dorms for college. I have panic attacks almost every
    time I leave the house and go into big crowds, and I can rarely ever
    eat away from home. All it takes is one bad thought and my entire day
    can be ruined. It takes a lot to calm myself down, too. For the past
    several months, I have honestly thought for at least an hour each day
    "I am going to v*."

    I generally consider school, home, and work my "safe zones." I am at
    those places so often that I feel somewhat comfortable. However, there
    are definitely exceptions. When I am away from home, I always think
    "All I need to do is go home and everything will be fine," but I
    sometimes have attacks at home, too.

    One of my biggest fears about v* is doing it in an enclosed bathroom.
    Two years ago I came down with something and I v*d twice, both times
    outside because I couldn't be inside to do it. I also don't want to
    draw any attention to myself. My dad can be really overbearing with the
    "ARE YOU OK"s and stuff like that, so I try to get as far away from him
    as possible, because I don't want any attention.

    I realize most of the time that it is completely in my head, but it is
    SO hard to live a normal life! My dream is to study abroad in Japan
    next summer and stay with a host family, but I am so scared that I will
    have an incident in their home which is the worst possible situation
    that I could EVER imagine.

    I have faith in myself, though. I had never once flown in an airplane
    until I was 17 because I was SO afraid of having an incident inside the
    plane perhaps from airsickness or maybe from a panic attack. However,
    for my first flight, I went on a school trip to France, which is 7
    hours away from my local airport. It was non-stop, and I was definitely
    shaking, sweating, and near tears beforehand, but my friends were there
    for me and held my hands during take off and all was fine afterwards.

    Now, I pretty much have a generalized anxiety disorder. Every time any
    aspect of my physical condition deviates from normal, I have a panic
    attack and feel like I'm going to v*. I'm constantly worried that I
    have some sort of illness, and I don't have medical insurance so
    there is no way for me get any opinions from a doctor. I'm sure that
    I'm OK now, but just thinking that I can't get regular checkups to
    check for potential long-term illnesses kills me inside.

    Well, sorry for the long introduction, but I haven't been to a therapist in almost two years, so I have a lot to say [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

    Nice to meet you all, and I hope to have a l

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Hi Marty it's nice to meet you.

    I totally identify with a lot of what you're saying. My phobia is off
    and on too, and it's caused me to miss a lot of school in the past.

    I'm in my first year of college so I'm living in a dorm and you bet I'm
    terrified that I'm going to come down with something. I'm pretty much
    constantly afraid of getting sick too. Everytime I have a
    headache or a bit of a sore throat or a runny nose or feel very tired I
    think I'm sick. It really sucks, but there isn't much I've thought of
    to do other then live on through it.

    I hope you do get to study abroad someday like you want. I'd love to also but don't know if I'll ever get up the courage to.

    It's nice to have you at the site and I hope it can help you in
    someway. I've been here a few months and eventhough I'm far from cured
    I have gotten a little bit better, at they very least it's been
    comforting to know that I'm not the only person in the world who is
    like is...on the contrary there are lots of people who are exactly like

    Just out of curiosity where do you got to school?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    Nice to meet you, too! It definitely seems like we're in the same sort
    of boat. I'm going to school at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. I
    transferred there from St. Norbert College. How about you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Hi Marty,

    it's so sad to read your story & to realize how much this fear can spoil
    someone's life - it makes me remember my own long "career" with

    Did this therapist who prescribed you that drug also talk & work with you
    on your problem? Or did you see him only once? It surprises me how fast
    physicians are willing to give out drugs to people...

    What is your own theory, why do you have this fear? And why do you
    think, you felt better during the time you stayed in the dorms at college?
    You were more distracted & didn't spend so much time with negative
    thoughts maybe?

    However, don't let this phobia keep you off from studying in Japan. I bet
    you will feel great here.

    Take good care,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Hi Marty welcome to the family.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    hey marty

    ive actually not went on a school trip (cancelled last minute and lost akll the $) to london for fear i would get sick there.(i live in new york)so i commend you for going on that trip to france. i was going alone too - there were other people taking the class, but i didnt know any of them except the teacher)

    welcoem to the family!!

    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Welcome to the group, Marty. I understand all those feelings you have been through and are going through. Hopefully it will do you good to come to this group and air all your worries and anxieties, it always helps to share problems, especially with people who have the same fears and daily struggles.

    It's great that you have faith in not letting your fears and anxieties ruin your life, and I can see you have it in you to fight this thing successfully, the way you travelled all the way to France despite feeling so anxious about it. This was a really positive thing - you felt the fear and did it anyway!


    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Welcome to the site, Marty! You will find great advice and support here!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Hi Marty and welcome to our family of friends and support.....you sound so much like so many of us here...I am sure you will soon feel at home here and know you can say anything to us and we will not be at all shocked....like I tell everyone on here...i pray for us emets and all IBS'rs every single night that we may find the courage and hope to be rid of this mess sometime in the future....we are all here for you so feel free to vent anytime...i wish you the best and hope to see more posts from you...Kate
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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"



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