I can relate to this as well. Although when me son did get a bug quite a while ago (knock on wood) I was actuaaly surprised at my composure. Although his dad had to sooth him, and I just cleaned up.

Now, my fear is he will get a sv this year. My husband and I are getting divorced so the thought of being here alone with him while he is sick terrifies me. I just hope my b/f is on days off or something. Chances of that are slim too, though, since he works 14 days on and 7 off. He's only actually home for about one week a month, and that is very hard when noone is even sick.

I hope that you get the help you need, pookey, b/c that is a scary thought to be having. I know you don't actually want to run away from your children, you want to run away from the situation. You definately need to disassociate your son v*ing in your bed, to him v*ing at all. He's good now. Noone else is sick, and now you are putting your body through hell. See if you can find an outlet where you can shut your mindoff for a while, to try and sleep. I always think about what I would do if I won the lottery! Makes you think, and it's always happy thoughts!

Let us all know how you are doing....and your kids!
