I have suffered the same as you. Two winters ago, I panicked so badly when my now 8 yr old was ill, I tried to flush v**on paper towels down the toilet(which had v* in it) and it over flowed. I screamed and cried and then after I cleaned it all up, I was so ashamed of myself for letting my 2 children see me like that. I'm still ashamed of myself for it. All I can tell you is please don't do anything in a state of panic that you WILL regret later. We can't keep every single virus away from our children. Practice good hygeine and teach them to. Get into the habit of NOT sharing food. I use a mask and gloves when I need to clean up a "spill"and whatever I can throw away, I do. I also keep anti-emetics handy just incase I might get a virus(gulp!) And remember, they won't be little forever. The older they get, the more they can do for themselves and the stonger their immune systems will be. I'm sorry your feeling so desperate now. I've been there too. Donna