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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Ok I live in Florida, and I have heard for3 young ones with the 24 hour bug, and it has me freaked out.. I hate this, not to mention that I might be prego,so those nerves are all over the map making me feel icky all the time. Anyway Ijust guess my anxiety is making me more freakedthen I should, not to mention that I get angry when I hear other mothers talk about SV like its not fun to deal with but is ok.. I am a chicken. I think mainly for the fact that Ido not want to catch it.. AGG I need help!! Has anyone heard of anything going around? Christy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Yup! But, I live up here in Ohio. My friend is a medical assistant, so of course I drill her daily. Lately I wish I wouldn't have. [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]
    \"This too shall pass\"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    somethings going around here in Hawaii too.....I don't understand, does this mean it's gonnna be a bad year?....i'm so horribly anxious....worrying everyday that my kid's are gonna come down with something...i've already seen people buying pedialyte on 3 occasions like it's going out of styleEdited by: sheri-baby

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I am in Maryland and there has been a stomach virus going around here for about 2 weeks!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    There are stomach viruses around all the time...this summer we had people on this site upset because there were SV's and it was summer. Last spring people couldn't believe that SV's were still around. Last year at this time, there were SV's....this is completely normal for this time of year. Let's try not to freak out. (easier said than done, I know).
    <font size=\"4\"><font color=MAGENTA><font face=\"Times New Roman, Times, serif\">It can, and does, get better with time.</font></font></font>

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Yea...the "outbreaks" occur worse in the winter.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    Yeah guys. I have to agree with e-lizabeth. Sv's are not limited to any one season. That has definitely been my experience with my kids; they have been sick in spring and summer; oddly, less in the winter. I like to try to control the situation, so it's nice to think that one season is "safe." With kids, though, you have to expect the unexpected. Since I have accepted this, I handle their sv's a little better. I still hate it and freak out, but I am not taken by surprise.Also, I have taken some comfort in the fact that hygiene has prevented me from catching their sv's (at least so far.)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by rileyl
    Yeah guys. I have to agree with e-lizabeth. Sv's are not limited to any one season. That has definitely been my experience with my kids; they have been sick in spring and summer; oddly, less in the winter. I like to try to control the situation, so it's nice to think that one season is "safe." With kids, though, you have to expect the unexpected. Since I have accepted this, I handle their sv's a little better. I still hate it and freak out, but I am not taken by surprise.Also, I have taken some comfort in the fact that hygiene has prevented me from catching their sv's (at least so far.)

    True. For the past 2 years my kids have gotten sv's in late August and in October. They have not gotten one in the winter in a while *knocks on wood*

    My kids pediatrician says that many people think that viruses are just exclusively winter illness but different viruses survive at different temps and time of year. There are so many viruses that can make us v* and have d*. I bet a lot are foodborne illness and we just dont know it. If Madison did not have a stool culture when she was sick with bloody diarrhea (in the hospital) and she just had diarrhea and then our whole family got it. My husband v* and had d*, my son had both too........I would have thought that it was a bad stomach bug. When I found out Madison had this bacterial infection (campylobactor, a foodborne illness) I was like Man...I bet a lot of this goes unreported. This happen the end of August.

    So who knows...makes you think huh??[img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    It makes sense that more food poisoning types of illness happen in the summer. Leaving food in the heat for any length of time is a breeding ground for bacteria.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    My son had an SV in April and lots of d* 3 weeks ago. I talked to the pediatrician who said that there were about 10 nasty virsus things going around. That was a nightmare for me to hear, but we deal with it here with a lot of hand washing on my part...till my poor hands hurt and crack and bleed. is anyone else out there freaked out enough that they too wash their hands a ton? I'm not an OCD hand washer, but I do it so that I don't get sick. I have those wipes in my purse, car and everywhere. I also use that GERMX all the time.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I too panick when I hear that sv is going around, I almost feel better if I don't know. I have my little things I do when the kids start feeling sick and I have to say that 9 times out of 10 when they have their tummy hurting its nothing except gas or having a bowel movement. It is the waiting that I hate, if I know it is coming and it is going around, I just expect it, but again my kids have been with other kids that day they got sick and didn't get it. They have had a couple of cases of bad diarrhea in the past couple years but fortunately no V* with it, knock on wood. BUt when they do feel sick I use a trashcan with 2 plastic grocery bags in it so I don't hear it splashing and I just wrap it up and take it to the dumpster. I don't ever let the kids sleep in our bed even when we are well. It has been a rule from the beginning, 8 years ago. If the kids wake up scared or feel sick we lay them on a towel on the floor next to the trash and put on a movie. Then I disappear to wash dishes, do laundrey any thing loud so I can't hear. My husband is good about taking care of that. With my daughter, she has woken up a few times saying her tummy hurts and you know little ones (under 3) don't understand what may happen, so they want to hold you. I have found putting her in her stroller with a towel instead of a blanket and then I take her outside (we live in California) and walk with her, it soothes her and me, sometimes I wear my walkman. Just some tips that have helped me ease the anxiety. Sometimes I feel better once it is overwith and I never give my kids something to eat or drink for a long time after their last V*. Just to insure it. I have talked to many of my friends that are moms and I can't believe how many of them give their kids food and drink right after and continuous because they are afraid of dehydration. Yet they wonder why their kid was V* 10 times. The Dr. once told me that you should give tiny sips of liquid or popsicle a few hours after, not right away. I have a question, are most emetophobes thin, because of worry and anxiety? Because I am not, I am about 30 lbs overweight and have struggled with my weight my whole life. When I hear about a SV going around or my kids have it, I certainly don't eat except maybe crackers and water, but I am surprised how many I have read that live like that constantly. There have been times that I actually overate all day long and then woke up with a SV and was able to control it and not V* Of course I wouldn't choose that feeling but I wish I could get my weight under control. I know this is not a good way to do it, I was just surprised. I like most emetophobes don't eat meat out and avoid any mayo sauces. Most times we goto potlucks, I bring the meat or salad, so I know that I have been careful handling it all. I used to be a medical assistant before having kids and I was shocked at the amount of patients that had food poisoning. I cook my chicken to death. ANyway, sorry so long.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I freak out if my kids even act a little out of character, as Haley has done today, but she insists that she feels okay. I HOPE SHE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My kids seem to NEVER get any other illnesses but v;ing ones. Hardly ever get ear infections, etc. They just barf. I would handle it better if they would just get diarrhea like other kids, but no. . .Sadly, no!!! THey rarely get colds, flus, fevers, or any of that stuff. When I was little I got sinus stuff or strep throat (which did actually make me v* once), but I never got these horrible SVs. Why can't my kids inherit that from me?????

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I hear ya, Donna, same here..when I was young I never had an sv that I can remember....kid's now it's so common...what's the deal?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I think our kids the SV so much because we can't tolerate it and it must be making us stronger. My son who is 3 1/2 has had 1 cold, no ear infections, nothing, but he can V* at the dropof a hat. if he smells the dog have gas, he will gag. He has had 3 SV's and I am the only one here when it happens since my husband is at work. I hate it, and I panic and feel my heart race for hours, but I have managed it and continued on. We are big handwashers and I use towels to clean up since my son doesn't understand the garbage can thing and also, I owuld never use the garbage can again, even if it had a liner since I would always associate the V* and the can together. I have like 5 towels just for this typeof thing, I put bleach and pure lysol in the washer and then move on. I put the towels in the dryer, fold them and put them in a closet where I keep paint etc. I then run the washer with bleach and hot water with nothing in it and run the dryer on the highest setting with nothing in it. We have been lucky thus far, however, I know one day it will get us too. I do panic daily that he will be s*, but i do better when I am with my husband and my son or my mom and my son, that way, I know I can get away.

    Getting outdoors is great to distract them and it can, but my son can V* out there too and I use the hose immediately.

    I wish we could all be cured instantly, but maybe with our kids that do get sick a lot, maybe we are getting better.



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