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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I have been having a lot of weird pains and general yucky feeling lately. About 10 minutes ago I started getting this stabbing pain in my lower back on the right side - exactly where it hurts when I pass a stone. SO it seems like I am passing another one. This will be my third. I didn't v* with the first two, but I am scared I will with this one (or any one in the future). I know there are still about 4 or 5 left in my kidney to pass. I have a prescription for Percocet for the pain, but of course I am scared because v* is a side effect of the medication. I didn't take any with the first two, but if this one is bad I might want to. On the other hand, I am a few days late with my period. A pregnancy test was negative, but I'm still not sure. I don't want to take the pain killer if I am pregnant (isn't it bad for the baby?) Oh, yucky!! Edited by: sillygirl

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    How are you feeling today?
    <font color=BLUE>~Paula~</font>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    It kind of comes and goes. This could be one that takes a while to pass.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I have a terribel historyof Kidney stones and while I have v*d from them, more often than not, I do not. I do take percacet but they give me an anti-nausea pill also. 3 motrin also works, but when that pain is intense, it can be awful with any medication. I was in the hospital 5 years ago with one that had blocked my kidney, so I had no function. They gave me morophin and i did great with that.

    Don't think about the V* and get into a comfortable position and try and drink water even though you feel yuck. I can't always do the water thing when I feel like that, so I drink Diet pepsi. It makes it easy to drink and the stones will pass if they are small enough.

    Good luck and I am thinking about you. Sorry you have this pain and know it will pass in a day or sooner.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    They are all relatively small - about 4 or 5 mm. They are definitely small enough to pass. I am supposed to go to the doctor in about 6 months for another CT scan to see if they have grown or if I have gotten more. I really hope not! Although, it would be nice to have them broken up small enough that I can't feel them and they won't do that when they are under 7mm, I think.

    gubba - how often have you v*d from them? Was it just the pain that got to you and made you v*? I really didn't even feel that n* with mine. Just massive pain/cramping and I felt like I had to pee constantly!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I was allergic to the meds they gave me for the pain the first time and that made me V*. Then i passed many without any problems but some pain that was managed with motrin. i was very sick when i had to go to the hospital and I was on IV's etc, so I was V*ing then, but also from the wrong meds. I cannot take a lot of stuff.

    I had surgery done to break them up 3 years ago and i did great with that. i have some stones now, but i go back in November for another xray to see where they are.

    Good luck and I am usually on here several times a day, so if you need more support, let me know. The V* thing with stones was really only from the wrong meds...don't worry!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I have had many kidney problems, stones, and my kidney as been completely blocked. I have never v* once from my kidney problems. I have been nauseated, but never v*. I also did not use any presciption pain meds, only tylonel or motrin. I have had surgeries too, and it only has given me minor relief. Dont worry, if you haven't v* in the past, I am sure you wont now. How are you feeling anyway?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    The pain has been gone for the last couple of days. I know I didn't pass it. My urologist said that one might start coming out of my kidney and then go back in. THey don't hurt as long as they are in my kidney. Who knows if it will ever pass. THanks for the reassurance though gubba and mitch!



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