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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I know I might sound kind of needy, but I am having a really rough time right now. The pain is so bad, I feel like v*. I have been taking my pain meds, but I can't take anymore today, so now I have to live with it. Plus, my stomach is constantly nasuated from the 3 different meds I am taking, and the pain (which I mentioned is really bad right?). It is just so rough, I know that people have it worse than me, and I am trying to remain strong, but it is just so hard. I keep telling myself it will be over soon, but then I keep thinking about having to go throughanother surgery, and the pain will be worse, and I will have to have a stent in for 5 weeks. It just makes me wonder, why do we have to endure all this pain, and hardships?? Is it worth it in the end?? Will it end?? Times like these really make me wonder how strong of a person I am, but then I wonder, how can I keep going on with all this bad luck??

    Sorry for rambling, it takes my mind off the pain. Just upset, and tired.

    MicheleEdited by: mitch04133

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United States


    Oh Michele don't feel bad for feeling like this! You are going through something awful! About the only thing I can draw from to sympathize with you was when I came home after my very hurried c-section under general anesthesia. I just put too many expectations on myself to feel better and be back to "normal." So as far as that goes, allow yourself some time to recuperate and don't feel bad about the pity party you are having for yourself--you party away!

    As far as the pain, is there something else you can take besides what has been prescribed? Maybe call your doc for an anti-nausea med? When do you see him/her next? Does the stent site look ok?

    And yes, this too shall pass and these surgeries will work!!
    <font color=BLUE>~Paula~</font>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States



    im so sorry youre going through this. good people have bad things
    happen sometimes, and sometimes we dont even know why. ive alwasy
    believed that everything happens for a reason, but sometimes we dont
    figure out that reason for a long time. maybe your reason is to make
    you stronger. keep your head up. you can do anything you put your mind
    to - not to sound too clique


    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    The stent is actually inside of me, it goes from the inside if my kidney down my ureter into my bladder. It is basically a big straw allowing urine to flow. They put the stent in throgh where you pee from, so there is no incision site (that comes with my next surgery). I had a stent before last November to April, so this pain isn't new, I just forgot how bad it sucks!

    But thanks, I know its ok for me to have some pity about what's going on, but I am just sick of all of this! But thank you, its nice to hear it from someone else.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Sorry you are having a hard time, Michele.

    You're thinking about too many "what ifs" just focus on one thing at a time.

    You need to smile so I have a smile for you... my aunt called this afternoon looking for my mom, she wasn't home so I chatted with her for a while. She was crunching and I asked what she was eating, she said "a Malato cookie" and I was like "what? a half black, half white cookie?" she was like "well, sort of beige and white, you know, Malato"... long pause... then I was like, ohh a Milano cookie... you know the ones from Pepperidge Farms? I thought it was funny Edited by: ChippedAway

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Sorry you're not feeling so great, Michelle, it sounds really rough, what you're going through -but you're doingSO well! Don't give in to it, just keep going, it won't last forever. Just concentrate on recovering, and think about how good you'll feel when its all over. Don't think about v*ing, you've come this far and been ok, haven't you? I know it must be so tough...but things are sent to try us, I guess. Operations take some time to heal, at first you feel absolutely rotten, but with time, it will get easier. So don't rush, just take it easy.

    And I wholeheartedly agree with ChippedAway - a smile can do you the world of good. So I found you this picture -it certainly gave me a giggle.Look at his face, the poor little thing!


    Stay strong, Michelle! ^_^

    ~julie xxx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I can't even imagine what you're going through. I've been very lucky to have good health my whole lifeand the worst thing I've ever gone through was breaking my tailbone, which is how I got the Darvocet, which gave me a nice buzz. [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img] I wish there was something that could help your pain. You shouldn't have to live with pain like that!!! I'm so sorry, I don't have anything to offer other than my words, and they're not the least bit comforting!! Just know that you're in my thoughts. I hope you feel better really soon.
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11



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