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Thread: NAUSEA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]What and why would a person have nausea almost constantly every single day of their lives??????????? I am having this major problem with it and I have no idea why...I am under the same amount of stress I have always had...I eat right....I am in the same health I have always been in. I can't figure this out and it is pissing me off so bad.......There is one other thing that goes along with it...i do have pretty bad headaches and I do have bad allergies and sinus problems......I am on 4 allergy shots a week...however i don't always keep them up to date....i take my allergy med....and this is just so frustrating......it starts pretty much as soon as i wake up and sometimes lasts all day and all night...sometimes it just comes and goes...i try to take ginger root pills....they work sometimes...i just am at a loss here at what to do...i have been previously scheduled for colonoscopy and endoscopy....i am so scared..but i guess i am going to have to do it. If anyone has any other suggestions...i would appreciate it alot...K
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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    I would go through with the tests. It could be any number of things causing this. Have you tried taking pepcid? That reduces the amount of acid in your stomach and if you have too much acid, that would make you feel nauseous all day. You could also try dramamine or any motion sickness pill. I'm sorry I can't offer any more advice. It's interesting, what's happening to you. I suffered for months of it when I was a kid. I had every test done to me that I could have done. I had ultrasounds, upper GI's, x rays, the whole nine yards. They never found anything. They finally told my parents that I was making it up for attention and they sent me to a shrink. I went once to humor everyone, and they had tried to blame it on the fact that my grandfather had passed away, EXCEPT, the nausea started 4 months prior to his death, and his death was a shock, he was in great health, so it's not like I was worrying over his health. Then one day, I woke up, and felt great. The nausea was gone just as mysteriously as it had appeared. My mom and I thought it could have been some sort of virus, the doctor's poo pooed that one. Than, about 4 years later, it started again. Again, I went through the tests, and nothing came up. Again, it was suggested it was "in my head" since they couldn't find anything physical wrong. Then, again, after several months, it went away and I was great again. Then, it reappered another 4 years after that. Just like clock work. By this time, I was in college, so again, i went through all the same tests, and nothing. Stress of school was the blame. THen it disappered again. I'm convinced I had some sort of virus that would go dormant every 4 years. The first time it happened to my, prior to it starting, I caught a nasty sv from my cousin. It was as if the sv never left me. I never got sick from the nausea, but it was always there. Thankfully, it hasn't come back in about 6 years. I hope i was some help to you. I feel for you, i know what it's like.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I know exactly what it is like. I at some point daily get nausea and I have forever. I always tell my husbadn or mother, "oh, I'm having my wave right now, so I can't eat, fix dinner..." I never know when the wave will be, but it is DAILY. It sometimes lingers for hours or days. It is better some days than others, but always at some point in the day, it is there. No answer for you...I'm 41 and I can't remember not being this way. I have had Upper GI's, lower GI's, ultrasounds etc. the only problem I ever really had was Gallbladder trouble and I got it out. That was 3 years ago. Anyway, what I can suggest is to really relax and really get good sleep. I know that seems strange, but it does work a little. I always feel like I am under tons of stress and never get out from it, but sleep helps...I get very little since I have a child, but when I can get sleep, my nausea is better: THE WORLD IS BETTER WITH A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP!!!

    Feel better and have the tests run so that you know it is nothing.
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    I hear ya....this crap has been going on for years!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not just something that has recently started.....i have no clue what the deal is......it is so freakin annoying....i have IBS really bad...but it's pretty much under control with my Digestive Advantage...i just don't get it...and i have a feeling that if i do have these tests...they won't come up with anything...but who knows....i am a very stubborn person and i guess that's not good when it comes to my health....but i am just so sick of feeling this way......day in and day out....what in the hell is causing this? And like you...i have never v from it...it's just constant nausea..........constant constant....all the time.....i could just cry it gets on my nerves so bad...but anyway i guess there is nothing i can do but go on to the doc.......thanks for replying....K
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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"

  5. #5
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    I am so sorry you have suffered with this for so long. It is (as you well know) VERY frustrating when you obviously have a problem, and you go to the doc, and they say they can't help you or aren't able to find it out. I've had that happen to me when I just felt horrible for months. I went to the doc like 3 times, and she put me on med after med, nothing helped, then it just went away. I think it had something to do with seasonal depression, but anyways I know what you mean. You feel like you are going crazy. No one believed me, or thought I was just making it up. It was just hell. I literally felt like I was loosing my mind or something. I do know there was something definately wrong tho. I agree with the others, get the tests done, and hopefully it will be something they can fix. I really hope you can find out what is causing it.

  6. #6
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    I had 13 gallstones between my gall bladder and in my bile duct back in 1991.....i had thyroid surgery in 2001...that's all my surgeries...but i just wonder if it's an ulcer? I don't know....i do feel like maybe i might be going crazy though. People think you are weird when you have symptoms every single day of your life....and god knows i would be so happy for a few days of relief.....After I took that ginger root pill...it has slackened up alot....so that makes me wonder if ginger root can ease it...what the hell is it making me nauseas.....it's so weird to me........i always have alot of gas..burping and otherwise...always rumbling in my stomach...when i lay down in bed at night....if i am flat on my back...my stomach CONSTANTLY makes all these weird noises...and as soon as i turn on my side...it quits...it's just so weird and even my husband notices this....it has been doing that for as long as i can remember.....but thanks for the thoughts and words here...i just needed to know i was not the only one this is happening to.....gosh i don't want to go through those tests though........but i know i have to. K
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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"

  7. #7
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    United States



    I went through a time in my life that I was living that way day after day after day. I really think that your problem is anxiety. Everyday as soon as I woke up I started worrying I was going to feel bad all day again and of course I would. When you think about it, worry and focus on it constantly it becomes a habit that gets easier every day even though you don't want to feel like that. I know it is hard to believe, but it is so easy to do to yourself. I have been working very hard over the past year to focus on getting my anxiety under control and hopefully in turn getting the emet under control. I really have come a very long way. I have been reading some wonderful books on anxiety and they have helped soooo much. I finally go weeks feeling good (knock wood.) I am so sorry to go on and on, I just know how frustrating it is to feel like this every day of your life and worry there is something wrong physically. I really think you are healthy, just anxious. Take care. Let me know how you are.

    Murphy (Kelly)

  8. #8
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    Apr 2005
    United States


    Kate, I agree with Murphy on this one...I get times like you , of course not as bad as years ago, but anxiety only fuels the fire.......I distract myself as best I can, or sometimes I get so mad at the nausea, it usually does the trick....i've had every test you could think of, trying to find the cause, but nothing was found,except the doc thinks i'm a hypochondriac!...I'm positive it's anxiety, in my case..and i'm sure yours too. I hope you feel better real soon![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    P.S. Murphy, what are the books you are reading? Maybe we can benefit too from them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I woul dlove to know the books too. I am much better than I was years ago, but I still am pretty bad when something happens. if someone i have been with is sick or my husband isn't 100% or my son is not well, I suddenly get into that mode where I feel awful and then it is hard to shake that once you have it. I wish I could come up with an easy way for all of us to cope with stress and anxiety and never feel bad again. i would do it for free if i thought we could all be fine!!! HA HA HA
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Kate--go get those tests done!!!! I want you to feel better. Imagine how just finding out that there is nothing wrong with you, how much better that in itself will make you feel!!!!

    I hope to talk to you soon!!!! I have just been so busy here lately!!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Get the tests done. They're not that bad, really. You need to be proactive if you want to solve this, otherwise, piss or get off the pot

    I was nauseous for a year before we figured out what I had (gastroparesis, tricky to diagnose, hard to treat if you live in the US, but not life-threatening) I am used to dealing with medical people since I've done it on a regular basis since I was born- so I pushed them until we came to a diagnosis and solution we could all live with. So many people aren't proactive enough, and they suffer. You are the customer, you pay them, make em do their jobs!

    All said and done, I still dispise my GI doctor. He's an ass, I can't stand him. But he's the only one who will prescribe the med that makes me feel better (reglan, it's pretty contraversial on side effects long term, but that is my choice now isn't it?)

  12. #12
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    Thanks guys....I know I need to find out what the problem is.....last night when I got home from work...i finally decided to take a zantac...and it did help the nausea some....but it lingered for a while...then i had to sit out in the freezing cold for a football game until 10pm and when i tried to go to sleep...my stomach starting cramping really bad and i had to go to the bathroom like 3 times...i was shaking and cold....really bad feeling...then it finally went away and i went on to sleep....but...this am i feel drained...my stomach feels off and I am just tired and want to sleep....so today i guess i will break down and call for an appt. with my gi.....god i dread it...i am so scared.....but I know what i have to do....there is no other way to find out what's wrong unfortunetely....so thanks for all the good advice...and hopefully they won't find anything bad and it's all anxiety like you all said......i will keep you posted on my appt. time b/c lords knows i will need some serious support when the time comes for my tests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"

  13. #13
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    United States


    Kate, my doctor told me that there are other ways to do the prep for the colonoscopy than having to drink a gallon of yucky stuff. Ask your gastro doc ............

    Talk to you soon!!!!

  14. #14
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    Leigh...it's so good to hear from you....i have been wanting to call you but I know you are so busy...but i have not nor will i ever forget you or your #......and i will call you soon..or you just call me when you have a chance...it doesn't matter when or what time......but yeah I hope there is another way to do this prep...but i will do whatever i have to i guess.....YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so pissed.....this just sucks.....I ask myself all the time...what in the hell is going on with me......but i am beginning to think it's all in my head.....now my stomach is just growling like crazy...i am probably hungry...but i am scared to eat...i am sipping on coffee....it is keeping me warm....i know i shouldn't be drinking it...but oh well....Leigh I wish you could be here with me when i go get the tests...why don't you just drive down here to see me I wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For all of you who replyed to my post...i thank you so much....it is so much comfort just to know others can sympathize with you and your ailments and understand...and not think you are weird or crazy or just making it up......we all are in this together here...and thank the lord there are computers and sites to go to when we feel so alone....ok I am crying now...so I better go read some other posts and try to help them Love you all....

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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Sorry kate I haven't been on today, noticed your post. Sorry that you are not feeling well. Go and see your doctor and see what he says. I hope you feel better soon.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Kate- I'm glad you're calling your GI, PLEASE keep us updated! If you ever think that nobody cares, we do!

    Lots of us here have had the tests, and nobody has really ever said they were as bad as they had anticipated. The only test I hated was the small-bowel follow-through, because I was BORED. You have to drink barium (I had two tests where I had to drink it, this one I had to drink less than the first) but then get xrays every 20 minutes until the barium makes it way all the way through your GI tract. It doesn't hurt, it's not scary, it's just boring. I was sitting in this little room with other ladies watching Regis and Kelly. Now THAT'S torcher [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    I am pretty much a professional patient[img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img], so if you need ANYTHING, PM me and I'll give you my email/phone #s.

  17. #17
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    United Kingdom


    arggggh bloody anxiety. I know how u feel kate, i've felt sick almost every day...sometimes its every few days but when its at its worst its all the time. Everyone thinks im making it up, as in, i'm fine, i'm not going to be sick, i just worry too much. And i admit, it is likely that it is fabricated in my head, but the sickness is there, i can feel it. The best thing to do, is to eat a good breakfest and try to not think about it, i'm going to buy a book on anxiety tomorrow, maybe you should look into this too...

  18. #18
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    I've had all the upper GI tests done, it turned up nothing but slight acid reflux (which means I get reflux maybe once every six weeks). The GI doctor was the one who suggested to me that the constant nausea was all in my head. About two days later, I found this site, and knew what was wrong with me
    Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom. - Marilyn Ferguson

    Habituation always defeats fear. - Edmund Bourne

  19. #19
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    United States


    It amazes me how all of us have the same things. We all know exactly what it feels like to be N* daily, think that we may V*, get pains anywhere and freak out, worry constantly about SV's, etc.....I am so glad that we all have each other to make us realize that even if it is all in our heads, IT'S AT LEAST IN ALLour heads!!!
    TRY to live each day like it were your last

  20. #20
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    Kate--you know whats funny, I really do think I could go with you, or anyone else, to get those test done if I needed too. IF you were to get sick from that, I think I could deal with it, because I know I couldnt catch it.

    Keep us posted !!!!!!!!!

    I am going to call you, I promise, its just finding the time. I have two big test this week. One on Thurs and one on Fri. Oh joy, lol!!!! The we will be out of town this weekend. Then we have something to do on Mon. also. Man, what I wouldnt give for a day off to just sleep and not have to go anywhere or do any school work.

  21. #21
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    I would have to agree with Murphy. It is anxiety. I was like you for so long, then I got on Lexapro and the daily ickiness went away. I too didn't feel overly stressed out. I was healthy, eating right. It took my husband for me to realize I was stressed out and I carry my stress in my stomach. It seems you do too, with your IBS. I strongly encourage you to first get tests run. Rule out anything like that. THen find a good therapist and a doctor who will prescribe anti-anxiety meds. I know exactly how you are feeling. You wish you could just go a day without feeling like crap. It's not normal and we shouldn't have to feel that way. I, too, used to get defeatist and believe I was going to feel ill everyday. You don't realize how "anxious/depressed" you are until you take the meds and you start to feel "normal"

  22. #22
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    My GI doctor told me that MOST of stomach ailments are stressed-related, so it's not just an emetophobe thing. I don't consider myself a true emet, I don't walk around constantly worried about vomiting. I am only afraid of doing it when I am truely nauseous and it could potentially happen. I haven't done it since I was a little kid, so for me it is the fear of the unknown, basically.

    There are other reasons to have nausea every day though, and I have that- which is how I found out about my phobia, because I was sick every day for a year and a half before they figured it out. I'm on meds, but its still a temporary fix, because the meds are not approved for long term use. My motto- life is temporary anyway. My dad had the same thing I do, but chose not to treat it, from the time he was 18 until he had gastric bypass a year ago, he vomited every single night before bed to relieve the nausea so he could sleep. I'll take the meds, thanks

  23. #23
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    [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]Yeah, I know I feel my throat actually opening like you are going to v!!!!!!!!! IT's the weirdest feeling...what in the world is that. And why???????????? How can I be that stressed all the time.....i wake up feeling that way and it lasts pretty much all day long. In fact last night it didn't stop until about 9 almost 10 at night....i don't understand....I do have a prescription for xanax...and it helps...but it doesn't take it all away...the nausea....it helps to calm me down a bit...but the nausea is still there.

    I am just so tired of it all. The stress the feeling sick...the worrying about feeling and being sick. It gets to be too much some times......and i just want it to go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Leigh...good luck on your tests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just call when you can[img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

    Aguerra, I have tried the Lexapro too....well for about 3-4 days...i could not deal with the nausea it caused me...and i felt like a zombie...maybe that was all in my head too.....i mean i automatically assumed the meds would make me feel sick so that is why they probably did.....i don't know how to stop these feelings.....it's so frustrating......it is so depressing to feel sick every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I appreciate each and every one of you on this site.....especially those who replyed to my post....it's nice to know i am not alone on this....i wish no one had to feel this way. But you know...i was watching Little Miracles on Discovery Health this am and this little boy who was about 9 yrs old...had cancer really bad and well you know what......it could be alot worse for us.....i hate feeling sorry for myself...and especially after watching this little kid....i felt guilty for being such a whimp......it sort of puts it all into perspective for me.........anyhoo...thanks guys once again for being there.......let me know when i can help anyone of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by gubba
    It amazes me how all of us have the same things. We all know exactly what it feels like to be N* daily, think that we may V*, get pains anywhere and freak out, worry constantly about SV's, etc.....I am so glad that we all have each other to make us realize that even if it is all in our heads, IT'S AT LEAST IN ALLour heads!!!

    Very true!



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