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Thread: Antibiotics

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey! Firstly, I'm pretty sure no one on this site recognizes my name anymore and I don't recognize anyones either, its been awhile! I do check in from time to time to read, but I don't post much. Anyway, the past few months have been really good, I have "stabilized" myself I guess you could say when it comes to this fear. But tonight I'm having a bit of a weak moment and I thought maybe I should vent. I went to my doctor today and she told me I have a sinus infection. Thats fine, but she prescribed me some antibiotics, they're amoxil or something like that. Anyway. They are HUGE! They look like frickin horsepills and they freak me right out. I am an idiot and figure the bigger the pill, the more potent they must be. I know thats not necessarily the case, but I never claimed to be a rational human!! Anyway, they are 500mgs and i have to take them 3 times a day. Of course the very first side effects they list are nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. GREAAAAAATTT.So what do I focus on all day? Yep you guessed it. Anyway, I took one at 3pm and after about 2 hours my stomach started to feel completely rotten and it lasted until about 2 hours ago. I have to take another one in 5 minutes and I am so scared that another one will make it even WORSE and then I will for sure be sick. I look at it as though I'm piling one on top of the other and if one was bad then taking another will make it even worse. I just ate some toast so that my stomach won't be empty but I am so scared. I don't want to wake up in the night feeling sick, thats my worst fear.Does anyone have any words of wisdom? By the time anyone gets to this it will probably be tomorrow and I'll have already taken it, but at least I got to vent.

    Thanks for reading.........


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Definitely have food in your stomach. Drinking milk can help a lot too because it coats your stomach. Don't worry about the pills building up on each other. Your body will actually start to get used to them. If you were going to v* you most likely would have with the very first pill. Try and relax or else you will make your stomach worse. Another good thing to eat is yogurt because it coats your stomach and puts back the good bacteria that the antibiotic kills with the bad. I'm sure you will be fine.

    I don't recognize your name, but that's great that your fear has stabilized. I am trying really hard to get to the same point right now. Some times I think I am doing well, but then there are those bad times . . .

    Anyway, feel better!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Thank you SO SO SO much. Its funny how we all know these things but it helps so much more to hear it from someone else... it seems to confirm everything we initially thought.

    Trust me, it took me FOREVER to get to this point. I am by no means cured, but I do feel as though I have come a long way. My friends and family helped me a lot and it took a lot of self-talk to get myself to eat in restaurants, to go to bars, to not run and hide if someone says they don't feel well. I still have to talk to myself sometimes in those situations. I'm just glad that I"m not getting worse and going backwards instead of forward. At this point I'm just kind of breaking even and for now, thats good enough. You will get there, it just takes patience and time. And go easy on yourself, let yourself fall back a few times, and then just pick yourself up and try again. The biggest thing for me was accepting that this was a fear and that it was OKAY to feel this way. I just had to learn ways to deal with it until I feel ready to REALLY face it and do something about it, whatever that may be. Just make sure you allow yourself some time and some room for setbacks. Have faith in yourself and be strong!! If you need anything I am always available... [email protected] if you want to email.

    Thanks again for the quick reply, I appreciate it totally.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    You should be okay, like sillygirl said, have some toast or crackers in your stomach when you take them. Amoxicillin is pretty mild, they give it to babies and toddlers often because it doesn't have a lot of side effects that other antibiotics may have. You can take some Pepto, that can help too (they have pills available, if you don't like the liquid or chewables, like me!).Edited by: ChippedAway

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


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    I've had amoxicillin before, and I was absolutely fine.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004



    I am so glad things have gotten better for you. This phobia isn't easy by any means, and you sound liek you are doing very well. Antibiotics pretty much will only make you feel a little off but you won't get sick. You would have already. One winter I took 3 or 4 of them one after another (they didn't help cause that wasn't the problem, but anyway) and sometimes I would feel nauseas some with them, but I knew what it was, and I never got sick. Make sure you eat at least a little something when you take them, it helps your stomach. It should indicate on the bottle. If it says don't take with food then don't, but if its ok to I would. I hope this helps!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by sillygirl
    Drinking milk can help a lot too because it coats your stomach.

    ...but you must not take antibiotics and milk together!!! There must be at least 2 hours between antibiotics and milk.

    I am a antibiotics-enemy. I think they can help a lot if you have really bad problems like pneunomia, but I donīt think antibiotics are necessary if you have a sinus infection.

    I lay down for the last weeks with a bronchitis. The doctor told me, to take antibiotics. But I didnīt take this stuff. So, what I should say, it dissapeared also without any antibiotics.

    But well, everybody has to decide for themself.

    Get well soon!

    Vergangenheit ist es erst, wenn es nicht mehr weh tut!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Here are some steps you can do. These helped for me:

    1. Take a glass.

    2. Fill it with yogurt.

    3. Put the pill in the glass.

    4. Eat the pill together with some yogurt.

    5. Immediatly after taking the pill, eat the rest of the yogurt fast.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by dktekno
    Here are some steps you can do. These helped for me:

    1. Take a glass.

    2. Fill it with yogurt.

    3. Put the pill in the glass.

    4. Eat the pill together with some yogurt.

    yogurt is the same like milk. You musnīt take antibiotics and milk-products together, because the antibiotics wonīt work if you take them with any milk-product together.
    Vergangenheit ist es erst, wenn es nicht mehr weh tut!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004



    Thanks for all your replies... I had no idea that you weren't supposed to take antibiotics with milk. How come they dont list that on the instructions they give you of how to take the medication and with what, etc? My stomach has settled a bit with the pills, I do feel slightly queasy at times but its nothing I can't handle. The only thing that is concerning me is that I don't appear to be getting better. The pain in my sinuses is almost unbearable, I have no appetite (or very little) and my head is pounding. I have been quite nauseous for the past hour or so as well but its not freaking me out for some reason. I just don't feel well. I thought that after 24 hours I should be noticing some relief but so far I'm not. I took another one about an hour ago so I just keep hoping with each pill it will get better. This is the absolute worst feeling, I must say.

    I think half my problem is that I'm a perfectionist and if I don't feel "perfect" and healthy, it eats at me. I hate it. Anyway..... that was just a random thought on my part.

    Thanks again for all the replies...... hopefully I'll have some relief from this stupid infection sooner than later. I'll give it the weekend, and if nothing has changed by monday morning I'll have to call my Dr.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    It depends on the antibiotic. Some of them you shouldn't, some you can. Doxicyclene I know can't be taken with milk or food within two hours.

    Moon- I didn't want to say it before, but amoxicillin isn't a great choice for sinus infections. Sinuses have limited blood flow, so most antibiotics don't do much good, and amoxicillin isn't really great for much, except maybe a mild ear infection or whatnot. I'd ask for a different one, and something like Nasonex or Flonase short term should help with the pain and swelling.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Vancouver, B.C, Canada


    i just finished taking amoxicillin, and i know they are pretty huge!!..i had to take them for a tooth infection..but they didnt make me feel nauseous or v* at all..yah after i read that form that comes with it and read all the side effects i got a little scared too..but i had to take them i had no choice, but im sure you will be fine!!
    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Sorry - are you still on the antibiotics? This is a little late but maybe for future reference.

    I was very sick in the summer and had to take antibiotics and they were the kind that were harsh on your tummy. So I found that if I took them during a meal the side effects were minimal to none.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    I don't like big pills either so a lot of times the pharmacy can make it a
    liquid that you take with a spoon. I'm trying to remember but I'm
    pretty sure I've had that same antibiotic in liquid.
    Edited by: liriodendron



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