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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004



    Did something REALLY dumb tonight.

    This morning I had a muffin for breakfast around 9, and didn't eat anything the rest of the day until 9 PM, a friend and I decided to go out for dinner and drinks. The restaurant is great, I've been there a handful of times and they have good food, and I like their margaritas. When we got there I ordered a margarita, and they asked me what kind of tequila I wanted, they never did that before and I don't drink a lot so I had no clue... I said whatever. Big mistake. We got our mozzerella sticks and drinks. My drink burned my mouth a little (and it was a frozen margarita), even my friend tasted it and said it burned the roof of her mouth. I got a chicken sandwich and mashed potatos (my usual) and ate only half... I only drink maybe 1/3 of the margarita.

    Right when I finished dinner, I got hit with a sudden nausea pang... STRONG, I thought for sure I was going to do it right there at the table. I freaked out, started massaging my wrists and praying. I had to explain it to my friend, she stayed mellow about the whole thing, got the check and got us out of there half way through her own drink. It's cold outside and I felt a little better when we went out. We drove back to my house with the windows open, and that helped too, she talked to me the whole time about her own phobias (she's not afraid of v') but her food adversions too, and she was TOTALLY understanding and supportive. What a wonderful gal!

    Anyway, I got home, took some Emetrol and then took a shower. My dad made me some popcorn (he swore it would help) I had half of a little bowl and couldn't eat anymore, but I am feeling a little better. The alcohol is wearing off I guess. If I was going to be sick, wouldn't it have been by now? I definitely didn't get drunk... I didn't have enough... the stuff just hit me the wrong way I guess. I definitely learned my lesson on that one. [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]Edited by: ChippedAway

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    United Kingdom


    It sounds like it was just the alcohol hitting an empty stomach,
    tequila is a bit evil at the best of times, I am almost 100% sure that
    you are fine, not eating for that long could make you nauseas when you
    do eventually eat, I made that mistake myself yesterday.

    Hope you feel better now, take care.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United States


    Yeah, I know our friend Jose Cuervo has tone a number on people. Sometimes different alcohol hits differently. I had a friend last year order a drink, and about 20 minutes into it had to be driven home. SAME SYMPTOMS AS YOU... she was fine the next day.

    So I'm pretty sure that you will be fine
    Friendship is like pee in your pants.... everyone can see it.... but only YOU can feel it\'s true warmth...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    I had this too. Never had tequila before in my life, and friends
    made me do a straight shot. Almost v* right there and then
    (a few minutes later). I guess it just doesn't agree with empty
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Ienjoy a drinkand quite oftenhaveneat brandy or whisky so am used to 'stiff' drinks, but when I tried tequilla it blew my hat off! I also never drink on an empty stomach as it can make you feel ill and isn't good for you anyway. I think these two things caused you to feel queasy, so don't worry you'll be feeling fine again before you know it )

    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb



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