I'm sure everyone hates winter as much as I do because of the increased
prevalence of sv's.Lately I have been so anxious because of a number of
things and I just want to share and get it out of my system.

1. The night before thanksgiving I ate a bunch of meatloaf and red wine
and thought I was going to v*. Now, you guys know I almost always feel
n* so for me to actually go into the bathroom and be sitting by the toilet
means that not only was I more n* than I have been in over a year, but
that my anxiety was through the roof.Plus my bf was coming the next
day and since I am more terrified of others v*ing than myself, I thought
for sure the holiday would be ruined if I did v*, because then others
would get sick.

2. My roommate tells me tons of girls at her work have been getting sv's,
leaving their shifts early even.Then last night she tells me she has a
stomachache too.Good thing I have my bf's house to go to now!

3. Last year I saw a kid v* in the middle of TGIFriday's and I have not been
back. Recently though my parents have been wanting to go and I said
"we can only go if we don't sit anywhere near the windows," and they
know why.So the other day, I finally agree to meet them there and
where are they sitting?The EXACT table where the kid had been sick.
After I had told them at least four or five times that I had anxiety about
the restaurant and that section in particular.I only had about ten or
fifteen minutes to meet with them and I was freaking out the whole time.