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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004



    I don't know what's wrong with me. I just don't feel right and I didn't even have an appetite although I hadn't eaten all day. Normally eating is never a problem for me. When I went to get some food I started to feel kinda sick thinking about eating. I'm really worried cause I don't normally get to feeling like this.

    So my question is if I happened to have a stomach bug would Metopram (metoclopramid) keep me from vomiting? I don't know if they have it in the states or the uk so I don't know if you guys know what I'm talking about. But what about anti-nausea stuff in general? Can it actually keep you from vomiting if you have a SV?

    I guess it MIGHT also be that Ifeel like this because I reduced my Valium dose last night.Unfortunately I'm addicted to itbut I'mtrying to reduce it.

    There's just gotta be something to keep me from vomiting even if I have a bug cause it is so horrible. I've noticed a lot of people here have said that it's not the actual vomiting that's the worst but the nausea beforehand but I think for me it IS the worst. There's nothing worse than the actual vomiting. Anyway I just need something to keep it from happening.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United Kingdom


    Metaclopramide may well reduce the nausea but it isn't 100% effective at preventing vomiting. Also if you have a bug, the reason you v* is obviously to get rid of the toxins, to preventing you getting more unwell.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    Hi tiina - it very well could be your reduced valium dosage. Try the metaclopramide..it certainly couldn't hurt.

    I'm not convinced vomiting gets rid of "toxins" during illness - form what I have read, the toxins that cause an ilness have already been absorbed by your body by the time you get sick, so I wouldn't say vomiting is going to prevent her from getting better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004



    Thanks for your replies. The sick feeling went away and I hope it stays gone. I guess it was something else anyway. I just couldn't help being afraid of the "what if" cause last time I threw up (when I was 8) I was feeling sick and I was lying down and trying not to vomit and even praying to god not to let me vomit but I did anyway.

    I think I've read the same thing somewhere that vomiting doesn't help the body rid itself of whatever it's trying to get rid of except in alcohol poisoning. But I would think vomiting would "help" with some other kinds of poisonings too. But then again I'm not a doctor so I don't know. I think I read that in the Emetophobia FAQ (http://faq.emetophobia.net/). There was a lot of interesting information there about vomiting so if reading about it doesn't bother you you might wanna go read it. I also read therethatfor the body to vomit certain breathing movements have to take place first and that emetophobes instinctively breat shallow when they're feeling sick (or something like that).

    Well that's all.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    Yep, thats the same link i got my info off of too. I found it very comforting reading that actually! I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm actually in the middle of a apnic attack now...well coming down from it actually. It's awful/



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