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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    If everyone gets a second, why not inform eachother where we are from (state). Have you heard a lot about the v* virus going around your area? Strangely, I'm from NY and all I keep hearing is people saying they know people that have gotten incredibly nauseaus but never got sick. Wierd, hah? [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]YEEEEHAW! Thank God for Activated Charcoal and Zantac!!!!

    {{I'd hugevery one of you with one of those surgical masks on...}}}

    Too bad we didn't all live close! What a blast it would be to meet! Enjoy Christmas, all! And remember: HOW MANY CHRISTMAS' WERE RUINED BECAUSSE YOU WERE SCARED? DON'T BE SCARED. ALLOW YOURSELF THIS ONE YEAR TO BE TOTALLY IMMUNE TO IT! TELL YOURSELF THAT! ON CHRISTMAS DAY, I AM IMMUNE FROM IT (even though no one else is!) Just think, if they get sick, they have nothing to do but whine. We have meds, gingerale (oh, I know everyone here has some stashed away!) and eachother! Happy holidays!

    -Jill from NY (age 30) Real Estate Company Owner(would love to know about everyone else!) [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]
    Hey everyone, Check out the penguins to the left... Now imagine doing that to someone you can\'t stand! Hehehehee.... like an ex, mother in law, blah, blah... Just my 2 cents for the day! -Jill

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    hey Jill... I have been reading some of your posts tonight. You are such a crack up! Anyhow,I am 23 (in 7 days) and from CA!

    When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    hey jill...what is activated charcoal???
    When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I'm Sheri from Hawaii (37 yrs. old). I've only heard of a couple of sv's, one from a co-worker, his 2 kids were sick (24 hour v* & d*) other than that 3 people at my work within a week of each other had some really bad nausea, but no v*, and i'm sure they suffered a little cuz I know non e-mets don't usually take anything, but like Jill said, we've got it all!!! I'm bracing for Feb-May, that's usually when this s**t starts!!!!!! I don't want christmas to end, I love the lights, the decorations and everything associated with it, except we don't have the snow here so it's a warm and sunny christmas for us![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    I forgot to talk about that in my last post. I have only heard of a couple of people getting sv's in my area. I actually freaked out a little tonight because we have been hanging out with my family a lot lately and my dad has two little ones and I also have a baby. I am so worried I am going to catch something from one of those little buggers but I am really trying not to let it get to me.

    Sheri, you said you are dreading feb-may? I thought the season was nov-feb? Please tell me this is only your area? Oh crap...not another 6 months...

    When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    Sheree, well i've read a lot of post people across the US and they say in their states it's Nov-March or whatever, but i've just noticed here in Hawaii Feb is the most common for kids and after that I hear of more adults like espcially March- May, my kids have had sv's in Feb. and strangley July, that was my daughter's worst one and everyone got it! I was the only one who didn't v*, just nausea, fever aches. My kids, so far, have not been sick around or near christmas, but I read so many posts of sv's around that time in the states, just not here, but maybe i've just been lucky to not hear of too much, yet!! Anyways, don't worry girl, that's just here. I'm originally from California and I never had an sv there as a child, nor did I really here about much going around. Take care....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    thank goodness! On the plus side... I LOVE HAWAII...You are so lucky!

    When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    Hi Jill! Heather from upstate NY here. Yes, the sv's are running rampant. My son and then my husband had it the day before and the day after Thanksgiving, 2 days apart. I think I got it but never v*, just felt like my stomach was gurgling a lot and couldn't eat much even though I'm 4 1/2 months pregnant with my 2nd (never got morning sickness). My son caught it at daycare (I traced it back). I asked her son how his Thanksgiving went and he said, "Uh, okay I guess." I asked what happened and he said his whole family got sick. So I called his mom, the daycare provider, and sheadmitted that shelet a kid who had just been v* the night before come to daycare because she had stopped by morning! How moronic is that?! Then her 3 sons were all v* the day after Thanksgiving (the littlest one had both v*and d* at the same time--potty on one end, bucket on the other--poor little thing!!)[img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img] She and her husband didn't get it, but her sons went to visit their bio dad and he caught it and was v* in her front yard when he came to drop the boys off! She said none of it bothered her though and she can take care of a sick kid just as well as the mother can and it will boost her kids' immunities!! What about my kid though!? I'm seriously thinking about finding another daycare person, but we have a serious lack of it since I live in a rural area. What is a mom to do??

    Then at work this past week, I heard a coworker say her whole family had the sv.

    Well, here I got to 4 Christmas parties over the next 2 days with my family and my husband's. Many little kids to see and probably have or just had an sv. I made a bet with my husband. He bet that nobody will say they had it in the last 48 hours and I say someone will have. I hope not though! Keep me in your thoughts[img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hi! I'm Mary from the Chicago suburbs. I just turned 33. I am a teacher, and I didn't hear of too many sv's going around before break. A couple teachers and students did have it, but it wasn't rampant like some years. I am leaving for Norway for 10 days on Monday, so I am nervous, but excited at the same time. Merry Christmas, everyone!!
    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    I'm from malvern PA. I have not heard of any stomach viruses going around... we'll see...they seem to be worse here in feb
    instant messenger-aggiecrafts

    Everything happens for a reason

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States


    Hey, I'm Anya from the Boston suburbs.I'm ahigh schoolstudent, butI've only heard of a few people v*ing so far (knock on wood!) and one of them was food poisioning. I dont think it's that bad here yet (again, knock on wood) but i'm hoping it wont get worse as we dive into january and feburary!!
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Hello~~ I'm from Arizona, and haven't heard of a single SV*, but alot of respiratory stuff in a school and filling up the emergency rooms. Whew!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Another NY State-er lol. I'm in HS too and I haven't heard of a sv *knock on wood* ..yet. Just colds and stuff--in which I caught myself. x_x
    <font color=PINK><center>Believe in Yourself</center></font>

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    OK, OK, it's Jill, the diva of whackjobs. Here's a funny thought. We all pack up and only sign 6 month leases. We move everytime the sv hits. We make our fanmilies go with us. We force them. If they dont go, we slap them. Hard. Then force them into the back of the jam=packed-with-luggage-family-funster-station-wagon.

    Am I the only lunatic that has ever wondered: "Is there a REALLY healthy state where NO ONE gets the stomach virus??? I wonder if I could find out and then see if there are any job openings!!" HEHEHEHEHE!!! Now is that some sh%t or what??? (Still laughing!!!)

    Love to all of my fellow ah-met-a-zoids (hehehe) By the eway everyone, thanks for all the emails! Just remember; if you get scared, trip someone.

    -Jill, 30, NY (here because I;m an emet &amp; wanna help you and make you laugh!!) [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]
    Hey everyone, Check out the penguins to the left... Now imagine doing that to someone you can\'t stand! Hehehehee.... like an ex, mother in law, blah, blah... Just my 2 cents for the day! -Jill

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    I'm in North Texas and EVERYONE is sick! One day at school I saw tooooooo much for comfort. It was nasty and gratefully, I didn't pick it up while working there that day. I did, however, send a girl outside to V* because she was sick and I couldn't handle her V* in my trashcan (outside door to my classroom and she couldn't make it back inside the main building to the bathroom). She was eventually sent home... gratefully!
    I\'m always a shade of purple...
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  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States



    I would love to find a place for us emets to go from Nov to March. Any ideas?

    I have sv radar so I always hear about them. They go around here like crazy from Nov through March with the huge peak period in February. I am so grateful each year that we get a long weekend for Presidents' Days because it is two days that I know my kids DON't have to go to school. Last year it was so horrible in our town. Every school was full of sv's. Some of them actually closed for disinfecting. Fortunately, during a two week period we had four snow days and the Presidents' Weekend. By the end of that week, February 25th is almost vanished. It was gone for about three weeks and then did a little resurfacing here and there.

    Ugh. Do I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hate this?


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Oops, forgot - I am from Baltimore, Maryland.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Cleveland, Ohio here. It's been off and on here. And I don't know if it's been sv's or what. I know there were cases of strep going around, which were causing kids to vomit. The girl I work with drinks too much, so I always think she's got something, but I'm on to her now
    \"This too shall pass\"

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Wow, everyone is from the states!

    I'm in South Australia, waaaay down the bottom of the country, and in the middle. I feel so lucky, because I live in what I consider to be an sv* free zone.I live with my parents in a cute little country town, where no one seems to get sick, it's great! The worst people tend to get is hayfever and allergies from all the farming crops around the place.

    You guys are welcome tomigrate over here during your sv* season! Its so dry and hot from Nov to March, I don't think stomach bugs have a chance of survival [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I'm from England [img]uploads/images/tcsarah/2E5_cooey!.gif[/img]

    Did anybody here used to watch Northern Exposure, the surreal drama set in Alaska from the nineties (I used to love it!)? There was a guy on there that lived in a protective bubble as he was allergic to everything. We could all do with one of those - sterile environment and all, lol.

    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I am in Kansas City and it has to be the SV capital of the world. Last year was the worst. I heard of one going around here before THanksgiving and then another one last week before Christmas. My best friend called from Omaha yesterday and said that her son, husband and parents had all had a gross one last week as well!!! Hopefully it's peaking early and will leave us alone!!!!

    My daughter was sick 3 weeks ago, she had diarrhea and v'ed twice, but my husband, other 2 kids and I didn't get sick, so i don't know if she had a bug or not!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    Im Nicki, I'm 21, I live in England.

    There are loads of tummy bugs around here at the moment, I'm not coping very well. I work in a school as a teacher and there is always something going around!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    The real name is Christina, live in fabulous Omaha, NE (please try to contain your jealousy...seriously [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img])

    As for bugs, there was an outbreak back in late October/Early November that sent me into a tizzy (complete with the boyfriend I live with coming down with it...no v*, just the scoots, bad stomach cramps and that wishing for death to take you swiftly sort of feeling)

    Now all I am hearing about is the FLU....the real one, the one you get the shot for, all though in my area, they keep calling it a viral upper respiratory illness...I guess with the dreaded bird flu talk of earlier this year the media wants to stay away from the term flu.

    Oh, and I work in broadcasting and teach at a local college....and I am the big 30, facing the even bigger 31 in the coming year.
    msn IM: Abbey_Normal

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United Kingdom


    Im 19, a student and live in the South East of England. Its so cold here at the moment, its snowing and all our heating has died! We have no central heating or hot water!Im currently sitting in my living room with two jumpers, fleece bottoms, two pairs of socks, a wooly hat and my quilt over me and im still cold! My hands are numb and turning blue but i cant type and wear gloves at the same time! I swear its as cold in my house as it is outside atm!

    I have not heard of much here recently. My bf had the sv in the week before christmas and i know his brother in law was v* a few days before. I heard of alot of people v* in the last week of university, but that may just have been caused by students attempting to cook turkey! There is currently loads of regular flu going round here though, i had it with tonsilitis a few weeks back, my mum has flu now and my bf is just getting it.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Ottawa, Ontario Canada-

    And we don't hear much about the the flu or viruses going around- the only time anything like this makes the news is when it shuts down a school or something.....in fact, the last time I heard something on the news (other than SARS) was a few years ago when norwalk was really bad. There are segments about avoiding the flu (most of which centre around getting the annual flu shot- which is free)- but nothing to make you panic.

    As for hearing about other people being sick...I do sometimes, but don't make a big deal of it. If someone says "sorry, missed class last week because I was sick"- I just don't ask. I'd prefer not to know if they were vomitting or not- and if they were/they mention that itwas the stomach flu,it doesn't really matter. If they are well enough to be up and about, and aren't vomitting right that minute then I choose not to stress.

    I actually dont hear about many people being sick with things other than bad head colds/sinus infections. The only time I really hear about vomitting is when friends of mine have kids- it seems to hit them, but not the rest of us. And I'm at a University of 30,000+ students, where classrooms are packed and the bathrooms are quite south of clean. For some reason, it doesn't seem to spread that bad


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  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    Im Mandi (24) from Cleveland. I try NOT to hear about stomach viruses going around! That way...I dont worry about it

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United Kingdom


    I'm Lesley, I'm 18, from Scotland. (up a bit from England [img]smileys/smilies_18.gif[/img])

    My sister is currently sick, and my mum was sick 3 weeks ago, so I know all about the tummy bugs unforch!

    Don't tend to hear about viruses going around but a v* illness spread around my University class around October.
    I traded my dreams for this mess of memories,
    And they just stopped working for me.

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    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Hi - I am from B.C. Canada - kinda flu season here - bugs went around more Oct - Dec but seemed to have calmed down now. Very warm here (well, warm for winter....) Happy New Year!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    hi, im tanya, i will be 25 on jan 14. and i live inscarborough, ontario, canada.....and lucky me, i just got the stomach bug that is going around here.



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