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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Hi, OK so i have a slightly different variation of this emetophobia (I actually just heard about this for the first time a few days ago..) But, i have always had a SEVERE fear of becoming sick even as a young child, i would avoid meals, or any place wherei had become sick at another time. As i entered high school the fear changed into more of a fear of becoming sick in a public place, or any place that wasn't my own home. It got to the point where I would carry plastic bags with me 'just in case'. As it is now, I'm 20 and everything I do is so plagued by this, I can't sleep anywhere except my own home or a hotel, (no friends or family).. I have to be on the "end seat " wherever I go, whether it be a movie, church , etc.. so that i'm closer to the bathroom.. I rarely am ever able to actually eat a meal in a restaurant or even anywhere at all past like 5 pm, grocery stores, malls or anyplace that doesn't have immediate access to a bathroom or outside will send me into panic as well... I've seen several therapists and none have mentioned this phobia to me, I was just diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder... I was just wondering if anyone else had these little "twists" as well??



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United Kingdom


    Did I write that? That is so me! I don't go anywhere without a plastic bag, and wherever I go, I check for toilets, or private, quiet places where I can go if I need to v*. Obviously, this has bever happened, but I sometimes need to go to these places just to calm down. I've been to a couple of funerals this year (sadly) and I have to sit at the end of a pew, right near the door. Once those doors are shut, I panic. Restaurants are difficult, I have to be in the right frame of mind and will always have a couple of glasses of wine to relax me - this always takes the edge off my fear. I also have problems driving if I have someone else in the car and I'm stuck in a traffic queue, for example. Where do I run to?

    This is definitely social anxiety, but I have emetophobia too although I sometimes feel I could cope with v* aloneand privately. Nevertheless, if I am alone and feel ill, I will still panic. With regards to whether you have emet, how do you feel when you think you might v*, even if you're alone, does it still frighten you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    United Kingdom


    Guys....that is honestly me all over!!

    Everything you said is exactly how I feel, it is eerie to read something written by someone else that is so related to how I feel!! I hate going to restaurants, they make me feel so nervous and I NEED to know where the bathrooms are. I actually went for a graduation dinner with my boyfriend and parents about a month ago, that was the first meal out I have 'enjoyed' in a very very long time!! We spend a lot of time going to family and friends for meals, it seems to be the way to socialise but it just makes me feel awful, I would rather go for a nice walk in the country or simply pop in for a cup of tea! We went to the xmas eve service at church this year- I had to sit at the end pew. In the cinema - the end of a row. On the bus, near the toilet, same on a train!! It is madness but I can't help it.

    I have madea New Years resolution to try and cope with this better and to not think about it somuch, I need to try and keep this all under wraps. This is my first day back at work though and I am feeling pretty anxious. Hopefuly if i am stronger it will get easier.

    Hope you guys are doing ok!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    This is so me too! I'm not quite so bad now (thanks to good meds) but in the past I always had to try and sit on an end seat or right at the back near the exitin the theatre, cinema, whatever, otherwise I would get into a real panic, and still to this day if I go out for a meal I have to know where the toilets are so if worst comes to worst I can make a quick exit to them. I absolutely cannot stand the thought of v*ing in front of people, and to v* in public is my worst nightmare. Oh, and, I aso carry a plastic bag with me in my handbag at all times!

    I used to think I was so crazy having all these bizarre quirks, it got me down so much, but knowing there are others out there who feel and do exactly the same things helps so much [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    Welcome to the group Sheri!


    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    Same here. Absolutely. I dread taking the train, so instead of commuting 1-1/2 hours in each direction, I live in two places, so that I don't have to take the train every day. When I do take the train, I have to have an aisle seat. Same on airplanes.

    Also, this seems to tie into the fear, but I can't live with anyone if we only have one bathroom. Whenever the bathroom is taken, I panic and stress until it's free again. I sometimes get frantic when my bf is taking a long shower! And this isn't even in public! [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]

    I tell my friends that I have claustraphobia, and if the subway is too jammed with people I'll wait for the next one, or if the station/platform is jammed, I'd rather walk for miles instead of being stuck in there. I've recently eaten in trendy restaurants where the tables are basically on top of each other, and have had to deal with the phobia. It's not easy, but I've managed to get through some meals in crowded restaurants and take short rides on crowded subways. I surely don't like it though. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    I also panic when I am stuck in traffic, that's the absolute worst! I always picture myself having to abandon my car and run to the side of the road in front of everyone!!! Ugh!!!

    Do you all use the "claustraphobic" excuse as well to explain this to other people?
    Take small account of might, wealth and fame, for they soon pass and are forgotten. Instead, nurture love within you and and strive to be a friend to all. Truly, compassion is a balm for many wounds.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    wow, thanks for replying guys... it's at least comforting to know that you are not the only one who has those little quirks, b/c at times i'll feel like i'm losing my mind or something.. oh, and to Willow- I know EXACTlY what you mean about how family events or parties seem to always have to be centered around food ( i mean, i know it's normal for people who might not have this condition) but, i'll almost just get so frustrated that they always have to eat, and then if you don't eat it's like they think you have an eating disorder. A few months ago I had dinner at my boyfriends' parents house (last time i'll ever do that) when his brother in law just goes out on this HUGE tirade about why don't i eat.. etc etc.. Anyway, thanks guys and I hope that things get better for the new year!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    United Kingdom


    oh my god, this is so me! in any concerts i have to have end seat, i dont actually go to many public places because of the fear. But in cars (travelling) or public places i do take a carrier bag!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    I think a lot of people have these quirks, even non-emets. I know a lot of people who just feel claustrophobic being in the middle seat in a movie theater. so it definitely is not weird.

    Oh by the way, your description is also me to a "t."
    \"Napoleon, you\'re just jealous because I\'ve been talking to babes online all day.\" ~ Kip

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United Kingdom


    I completly know what you are talking about.

    I find that I am worse when I am out or away from home,I am having to go to London soon with my partner for a few weeks, traveling down there with her but its 8 hours on a coach and im with people i dont know,places i dont know and with things that I dont know.

    But yes I find that I am always looking and wondering what I am going to do if I find myself feeling really really ill, *sighs*

    everything you have said I understand..



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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    I also look for trashcans in every place I go, in addition to the bathrooms. I look for the "fastest route" out of any given location and I have to be on the "outside edge" of every group or place that I am. I cannot stand the feeling of being trapped.
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  11. #11
    Join Date
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    United States


    I just get scared that I'll be away from home when a sv hits, so I have panic attacks EVERY TIME I travel. I feel like I'm safer if I get sick at home.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    Sounds like me too. I always have to know where a bathroom is, or where a trash can is. I go to movies A LOT but I always try to go to the shows where it's not crowded so I can have a row ALL to myself, or I sit in the back row where there are only like 4 chairs and I put my backpack/purse on the seat next to me like I'm saving it and people don't sit near me.

    I was afraid that during the movie Hostel that I would get sick so I was constantly eyeing the door. Whenever I go out I have to mark my exits too. I know EXACTLY how you feel.

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United Kingdom


    Oh yes, the claustrophobia excuse - absolutely!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    I don't respond to posts often, but I had to on this one. I am exactly the same way. I worry more about v* in public then I do about actually doing the deed! I also carry a plastic bag in my purse. I spend most of my work day in a car, so I am always looking for "safe" places to pull over just in case. I also have to sit on the isle side of a booth when I go out to eat. I hate feeling trapped, and I worry I won't be able to get out in time. If I go to a department store, I have to have a close parking space, and be able to see the exit sign at all times. I'm glad a lot of you responded......it makes me feel so much better!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    United Kingdom


    Hi everyone,

    I'm new here - but every word you have all written - I could have written them myself... Unfortunately!

    Why are we like this? I think my phobia is getting worse to be honest. I've now got a real problems with supermarkets again - especially huge ones where you have to go really far from the exit to get your bread, fruit, vegetables etc. Does that sound familiar?

    Recently my doctor said I should take Lexapro - I haven't started taking it yet because some of the side-effects are n* and d* and v*! Years ago I took Prozac and was pretty n* at first (for a few weeks) but was taking Valium (in small doses) too at that point, and that helped. Has anyone any miracle cures? Has anyone else taken Lexapro - if so, did/does it help you?

    Thanks in advance,


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Wow, yes I know what you mean about the supermarkets... sometimes though I feel perfectly fine and am able to stand in line at the bakery waiting on a bread order, but sometimes it is all I can do to dart to the back of the store as fast as possible to grab that one item ..and then dart back in view of the exit sign... As far as the lexapro goes, I would advise you to try not to take it if at all possible.. I was on that for a couple years and had a really rough time getting off of it, it has some strange side effects when you start to withdraw from it.. and I didn't notice any significant improvement ... I did get a prescription for Xanax, I rarely if ever take one, but it helps me to know that i have it with me just in case.. I know that could be seen as acrutch.. but, it can be a useful tool if you are using it in combination with some other method of treatment (i just got a panic attack workbook by a Dr. David Carbonell and so far it is really helpful... to me, v is almost like a panic attack when i anticipate it...) Anyway, good luck!


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I think a lot of people have a dual fear of v* and being
    "trapped". They seem to feed off of one another if either one
    gets "agitated". They also share a major factor - both are fears
    based on a lack of control.

    I'm 22, and I have been an emet since at least the age of three.
    My mom used to get very bad migraines which sometimes made her v*, and
    I can remember running to the opposite side of the house, curling up in
    a little ball, squeezing my eyes shut and putting my fingers in my ears
    if she said she wasn't feeling well.

    Thankfully, I no longer RUN to the other side of the house . . . the rest is pretty much the same, though :-\

    Anyway, I'm currently seeing a psychiatrist for panic anxiety (which is
    closely intertwined with the emet.), and he has me on a daily doeseage
    of Lexapro and gave me Xanax to take in "emergencies". The
    Lexapro, for me, is great. I can go grocery shopping and ride in
    cars now, without freaking out. When I began to take it, I lost
    my appetite for about a week. I was NOT n*. I worried a
    bit, because I thought the lack of appetite might be the preface to a
    sv, but then I looked it up on the internet and found out that lack of
    appetite can be a side effect for some people. Again, FOR ME, the
    Lexapro was definately worth the week of not being hungry.

    The Xanax is amazing. I had to fly over from Pittsburgh to my
    uncle's wedding in Scotland. I was a WRECK beforehand, but I had
    faith in the Xanax. It took about seven tablets (my doctor said
    to take one, wait fifteen minutes, evaluate, and repeat as needed) but
    I felt so NORMAL. I flew on a plane with nobody but my boyfriend
    for eight hours, and I was FINE. I actually tried to worry, and I

    I felt like I had to respond to let you know that A) your fear of v*ing
    in npublic places is completely understandable, and pretty commom in
    emetephobes, from what I can tell, and B) meds can help, but if you try
    one, don't give up. It took me four other tries to find Lexapro,
    it just depends on the unknown factor of your unique chemistry.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Alberta, Canada


    Totally me too!!!
    That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2004



  20. #20
    Join Date
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    United States


    Hanarky... yeah I'm actually in Florida... but, it sounds like maybe you can relate, so I wish I did live near you! It would be really nice to have someone around that could at least relate you know??

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    srae4, I completly agree with what you are saying there ^^, I only know a few from Scotland but wish I had a few or even one i knew in real life, some support you know...

    Hope you are well?


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  22. #22
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    violet, Yep I'm glad you know what i'm saying... i mean, it seems like it would be easier to maybe get over it too if you had a person to do things like that with (for example, if you were afraid to go eat in a restaurant, if you went with someone else who was equally uncomfortable, it might be easier exposure) So, yeah... but, I hope that you are doing well too! good luck!!!


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    ditto to the looking for a trashcan, and the closest way out, and the aisle seat thing! when i go to the movies i always have an aisle seat but it is pretty easy for me because i also have to pee a lot so everyone automatically gives me the aisle because they know i don't want to have to climb over everyone to get out (which i do at just about every movie i go to)

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    The only thing I'm really nervous about is staying away from home. I'm scared to stay overnight at a friends house and it's really akward becasue I have to tell my friends that I can't come to their sleepovers. I do actually want to stay over but I'm scared of being ill in the night or being served undercooked food or something.

    I think this might have been triggered off when I was about 10. I was suposed to be staying at my best friends house on her birthday but her brother started v* while I was there. I went in to complete panic mode and had to go home. I felt so bad becasue It was my friends birthday and I was just ditching her.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    hey lmfao, I have the same thing, I have a "huge" fear about staying away from home....

    Pannic attacks the lot,it does make you feel a little bit down for not being able to go but if they knew you dont really know if they would understand as alot of people dont...

    Hope you are well?


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  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    That's my biggest emet fear...being sick away from home. I can't even travel anymore.



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