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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States


    Hi I'm Liz. I'm 23. and after a recent illness(of which didnt involve*V*'ing but tons of*D* lasting like 4 weeks).... i became very very anxious about it, and it has overtaken me to the point that I want to drop out of my last semester of college to be less at risk for catching what other sick people have. I havent*V*'d since age:kid, however i am so so so so so so fearful of it.

    My question though is; what are the odds that just because you've been in contact with someone who has contracted an SVthing, that you will actually get it????

    I hungout with my boyfriend a few days ago, I found out that this morning he *V'd* andfeels real sick, and so i am FREAKING OUT thinking that I"LL GET IT TOO. my face is getting hot right now even typing this. i wont necessarily get it right? as I'm not around him RIGHT NOW? and i will probably end up avoiding him for the next few weeks as i've researched that you can carry it with you for awhile.
    OH GOSH. i sound insane.

    i also avoid food a lot, as i'm afraid that if i catch a sickness that i'll be more prone to *V*'ing. is that insane?

    ugh. do support groups really help?

    responses would be great. thank you.


    i didnt really eat dinner at a result of finding out about my boyfriend, however my stomach is sort of hurting right now. but it could probably just be from not eating right? i dont really know the difference between stomach feelings anymore. Edited by: liz28

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Welcome to the site!

    So, let me get this straight, you hung out with your boyfriend a few days ago but it wasn't until today that he got sick? If that's the case, then I would say you are in the clear. I believe sv aren't contagious until the symptoms appear, so if you haven't seen your boyfriend while he's been sick I'm sure you will be fine.

    I know how hard this phobia can be. I have had it since I was 6 or 7 and I can relate to how you feel about not wanting to finish school. I know, in the long run, you would be really upset with yourself if you didn't graduate because in your last semester you let this phobia get to you that much. In my experience, the best way to conquer the phobia is notto let it conquer you. I'm not saying you should go run out and kiss your boyfriend right now, or do anything that would be high exposure, but if you have made it this far through school chance are you will be able to make it the last few months too. Just take precautions like washing your hands before you eat or touch your face, etc and you will be fine.

    You are not insane about avoiding eating. A lot of us here do the same thing. Overall, I have actually lost about 20-25 pounds because of this phobia and not wanting to eat for fear of v*.

    I think you will find that this site is really helpful. Everyone here is great and it is so nice to be able to talk to people that feel the same way you do. Again, welcome!Edited by: sillygirl

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    Hi Liz, I'm Liz. I'm 24.

    Don't drop out of college.That is a priority, especially being so close to
    graduation.Wash your hands and get a lot of sleep and you'll be ok.
    You can make it through your last semester, and you can make it through
    this bad bout of emet!

    You don't sound insane to us, we all have the same thought process. But,
    we do have to realize that stressing out over possibly getting sick can
    actually make us feel worse and can prevent us from getting much
    needed sleep.

    I would eat lightly for the next few days, but don't worry about v*ing.
    People who have emetophobia rarely actually get sick. If you haven't been
    sick in years, it doesn't mean you haven't gotten a stomach virus, it
    means you haven't v*ed from one. You can absolutely make it through a
    sv without v*ing (even if you do have one)...chances are you've done it
    before!Normal people v* by choice to feel better, but you don't have to.

    Hope this helps.

    P.S., On this board we use "v*" instead of "throw up" or other terms
    because just seeing that word can trigger a panic attack for some.It did
    for me when I first came here! Anyway, stay calm!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States


    thank you for telling me about the letter abbreviations. i apologize if i upset anyone. i will definitely use that in the future. in fact, i will edit it now. thanks again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    No problem.

    Also, if you had d* for four weeks, you may have IBS or lactose
    intolerance, which a lot of us have as well.Sometimes it is a result of the
    stress itself.Ask your doctor.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States



    I'm sorry about your boyfriend, although, like others, I think that you are in the clear because you are only contagious after the person's symptoms start. I would just get good sleep and keep washing your hands to keep healthy.

    About your comment that you didn't eat dinner and you don't know if your stomach is hurting because of that, I think that it is, as your stomach isn't used to being empty. Maybe you could eat some crackers or ceral (something bland) and drink some water if you're scared? You don't have to eat a full steak dinner or anything, but maybe sometihng light and bland? Don't feel insane for not eating, a lot of us do that here.

    Good luck! I'm glad you've found this site!

    <3 Anya--
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Hi, Liz, welcome to the site!

    It's already been said but yeah dont' worry about your b/f. He v* a couple days after you saw him so no worries there.

    As for eating, I did that for a ling time and lost way too much weight but I notice now if I don't eat well and regularly I feel worse. So I think all the time I was really bad off that the not eating much or regularly for that matter made my stomach feel worse which made me anxious=panic attacks which made me feel sicker and not want to eat lol Vicious cycle. So I understand not wanting to eat but really once you start off slow (as suggested) and get into regular eating habits and as close to healthy as you can get. I can't talk about that I'm a chocolate FREAK lol. But you know what I mean, anyhow, you will see yourself start to feel better.

    Oh and please don't quit college! Not so close! I didn't start college til I was 24 or 25 (am still in, 27 now) because Ilet emet and anxiety stop mewhen I was 18. There are times I say hell w/ it but the truth is school isn't the only place germs live, ya know? If we don't go to school because of it then eventually everywhere becomes unsafe and thats no way to live (been there done that, forget the damn tshirt lol). You're sooooo close and will be so proud of yourself when you finish!

    Anyhow welcome againa dn I hope this helps!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin



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