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Thread: Who are you?

  1. #241
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    My name is Kim and I live in Kelowna, B.C. Canada. I am 37 years old and have been emetophobic since I was about 18 years old. I am actively seeking a cure. I am an Urban Planner and Sales Manager at a Rock Radio station. I am married with no children yet and 2 cats. Just found this site a couple of days ago.

  2. #242
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United Kingdom


    I'm Sarah! =D
    I'm fourteen.
    From the north east of england.
    I'm shy.
    I love my friendies is what I do=p
    And my family too =D
    I like to read.
    And listen to music.
    I like to write too.
    And i like shopping.
    And food =D
    Especially peanut butter *nods*

  3. #243
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    My name is Masha

    I'm 15.

    From Europe.

    My fear started when one traumatic thing happend when i was 5.

    I search cure, but i have not founded it yet.

    I am comunicative, talkative, so nobody know my problem except my mum.

    I like to write, read something about medecine, listen music, but in my house ( i rarely go somewhere, except school.) I am in high school.

    I am glad to met you, guys, you are great!

  4. #244
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    Well, been a member for a month and just noticed this thread.

    My name is Falon, I'm 21 (22 in 2 weeks!) and I am a college student. I am a single mom, my son is 2 years old. I have a boyfriend of 1 year, he is 22 and a firefighter and a great "dad" to my son. I am in college to become a physical therapist's assistantbut I don't want to do that forever. I'm more interested in things to do with chemistry, laboratory work, etc. I love school so much, I coulddo it forever(probably will if I don't hurry up and figure out a permanent career!). Right now I'm just trying to get a job that will support me and my son on our own and get us out of my mother's house! There aren't any colleges in my area that offer the majors I'm interested in, so maybe after I graduate and can work we can move closer to a university? Who knows. My life has been the total opposite of what I thought it would be, so I'm a little leery to plan anything!

  5. #245
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    I just posted this whole thing on another topic altogether, and I didn't realize there was a topic for it! Sorry =)

    Hi. My name is Josh Templin and I've been an "emet" for as long as I
    can remember, but only recently looked into it specifically. I go to
    Penn State University and I'm 19 years old. I am a professional writer,
    but only as an intern, and I hope to make a carreer out of journalism.

    I am joining here because I truly need a support group. Being at
    university has given me plenty of new friends, but most are not very
    supportive of my fears.

    My fear is entirely of me... doing that thing, and not others. Also, I
    am a very logical person, so I think that helps (but we all know how
    hard it is to be reasonable ALL the time.)

    I don't like to use euphamisms for the V-word, but if you would prefer, I can gladly oblige.

    Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope to gather support from all of you as well as help others with their fear.

  6. #246
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Hello all...
    My name is Natalie. I just turned 21 in late November of last year.
    I have a boyfriend of 3 and almost 1/2 years. We are high school sweethearts, and he's now a Marine. He's been deployed since July 16th but is now coming home and sailing back on ship, so he should be home Feb 19th! He's so supportive, and just amazing.
    I love, love, LOVE art/photography. Painting helps me release stress, and it's fun.
    My musician idol is LennonMurphy. I get to see her live twice in March, and I'M EXCITED.
    I have the most awesome cat named Autumn. She's a calico cat.
    Also have a rat named Eek, three birds, one parrot, and two labs.
    I take online classes cause it's too stressful to go to actual class (it sucks) and I work at a restaurant.
    My dream for the future would be to have published my book of poetry which'll have either a painting of mine, or photo that I've taken for each poem.
    I would also have my own animal shelter...I love horses too.
    Food is glorious, wonderful, and I love it.
    Oh yeah I've had emet since I was 10. I even wrote a song about it too.

    I guess that's it for now... You guys are awesome.Edited by: lennonova

  7. #247
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    South Africa


    Hi, I am Arial. 27 going on 30. I am not the little mermaid. Thank you very much. I am from <st1:country-regi&#111;n w:st="&#111;n"><st1lace w:st="&#111;n">South Africa</st1lace></st1:country-regi&#111;n>. If I read through all your reply’s I can’t find one South African. Please don’t let met be the only South African with emets. Anyway. I am a team assistant for ‘n iron Ore Company. I love movies. Love to read and I love my mom.

  8. #248
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States


    <DIV>Hello Everyone,</DIV>
    <DIV>My name is CJ, and I am from New Jersey, USA. I am amazed to find a forum like this, and taking a quick read before I registered, I cannot believe that there are so many of us out here! </DIV>

  9. #249
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hi Im Laney from the UK (Ipswich to be specific, not the coolest or most exicitng place to live)

    Im 37, have had this phobia for as long as I can remember (vivid memories of ill sister at age of about 7)

    Im a team leaderin insurance (not the most exciting job in the world)

    Im married (hubby understands, thinks my emet rules are kinda cute) but no kids, couldnt cope with that so I have a rabbit called Ralphy (after Ralph Wiggum from the Simpsons, we love him!!)

    I love to party, strangely I love wine but not in excess, I love RnB, dance music, but lately getting into Green Day (must be a last attempt at my youth!! Amblonde and definetly fit the criteriacos although Im not stupid I have many blonde moments.

    Anyone in the Suffolk area????&nbs p;

  10. #250
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United Kingdom


    Seems appropriate to post my first post here!

    My name is Junko and I am 16 years old. I love in London, although my parents &amp; first language is Japanese, and I was born in Boston (confusing eh?). I didn't realise that I had emet until 1 or 2 years ago; before I thought I was just a freak. [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img] It's so good to know that there are people like me out there.

    Anyhow. I'm dreading GCSEs this coming summer (oh dear). My hobbies include playing the piano, the clarinet, reading all sorts of books, surfing the Internet and aerobics. Nice to meet you all!

  11. #251
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States


    Hi! I'm Jessica and obviously new. Just yesterday I was crying thinking I was the only peson out there with this fear! I did a search and found this website and am amazed! I feel much calmer knowing I am not alone now. I am 28. I am married with 2 boys (1 and 3 years old) I realized I had a problem about 4-5 years ago. Things just seem to get worse every year. I am not sure if I need a therapist or if this is just something I need to deal with over time. Sometimes I feel so out of control. I won't go anywhere overnight without my Phenegran. Please tell me others do this too!!!

  12. #252
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States


    <DIV>Hey Jessica,</DIV>
    <DIV>I am not sure what it is you take with you, I presume a medication perhaps to relax, but you are not alone, and yes, I joined this site today after a friend told me about this actually being a phobia! I was shocked......</DIV>
    <DIV>Then I found this site through a website and I cannot believe all the people with this problem (fear). It is simply amazing, for years I have watched relatives get sick and move on, and I thought something was seriously wrong with me. </DIV>
    <DIV>Anyway, keep your head up, and think positive thoughts! Heck, I thought I was in the clear, since it has been a few days since my son has been sick, and this guy tells me, "Oh, just wait, it has a 10 day incubation period." Not exactly what I needed to hear!!!!! </DIV>
    <DIV>Oh well.....guess life must go on, and so shall we...there is comfort in not being alone! My wife, she just does not understand nor how to support me, but, I think here I may have found some companions in my struggle!</DIV>
    <DIV>Welcome to the Board</DIV>

  13. #253
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Hi! I am a new member and not really sure how this site works. But I thought I would start off by introducing myself. I live in Ontario, Canada with my 1 year old daughter and husband. I am a third grade teacher but I have decided to stay home with my daughter for another year.

    I have been dealing with this phobia for 20 years....can you believe it? I have always kept quiet about it because I was actually embarassed to talk about it. It seemed like such a silly fear....I am sure you all agree. It is not like being scared of spiders or clowns where you can just avoid them. this phobia controls every aspect of my life andis every where....especially right now during flu season.It seems like my anxiety resurfaces once I have been exposedto it somehow. It seems like everytime it resurfaces it is a littleworse. Now that my daughter has had her first stomach bug and seeing howI dealt with it (by running away from her)I thought it was time to do something about it! So I googled "fear of vomiting" and there you were. What an amazing site!! I can't believe that there are this many of us from all over the world dealing with these fears! And to think I was the only one!! I can't wait to chat with some of you and start my road to FREEDOM! I want to start living and not running away!!

    My only problem is that I find when I talk about it a lot it makes me more obsessive about it. Do you know what I mean?

    One question is what is Emets? I am assuming it is the short form for Emetophobia!

    Edited by: canadianmom
    Smile and someone will smile back!

  14. #254
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States


    Hello, i'm also new! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]My name is Jackie and I am 19 years old. I'm from Massachussettes (spelling is wrong)and I believe I have been dealing with this phobia since I was around 7 or 8 years old. I'm not quite sure where it all started but I think it has something to do with when I was younger. When I was 3 or 4 I lived in Maine. According to my mother every night/ morning for the year and a half that we lived there I would wake up and v* a few times. I do not remember any of this because I was only 3 or 4 years old but I believe it has something to do with my phobia now. Post trumatic stress or something?After we moved from Maine I was fine and went with out v* for 8 years. The last time I v* was about 3 years ago. It wasnt horrible because I kept a posative attitude the whole time. So, 3 years still going strong! Recently this phobia has been taking over my life. I've stopped eating many things in fear of getting food poisioning. I refuse to eat meat (which isnt all that bad because meat is just gross). I refuse to try anything new in fear of my stomach rejecting it. I only eat a few "safe" foods which consist of grilled cheese, salad and french fries. Even when I eat those I still have that nagging "what if sometime was bad and I puke" feeling for about 4 hours after. This whole thing is getting out of hand. It's all I think about these days. It's consuming my life and it needs to stop. For awhile I thought I was just crazy for this phobia untill one day I decided to do some homework. I was really happily surprised to find out I was not the only one and my crazyness actually has a name. It makes me feel a whole lot better about this whole thing. No one in my family understands my situation. They make fun of me for it . My sister is the worst. She's one of those people who just dont understand other peoples feelings. If she doesnt have it she wont understand it and doesnt even try to understand it. She has a 3 year old daughter who goes to day care. My sister also teaches at the day care.Which freaks me out because little kids=v* germs. My sister always brings her daughter over when she has a sv* because she thinks its FUNNY to watch me FLIP OUT. The last time it happened I almost punched her because she was LAUGHING as I was crying. Why would she bring her puke ridden daughter over here when she KNOWS I have panic attacks about v*? Oh, thats right! Because she's a bitch! Last night I was online minding my business and she IM's me and tells me that Alexis is throwing up. Lovely. After asking her MANY times to go away she just kept imming me, telling me how many times shes done it and how it smells and how its going around the day care. I wanted to shoot her! Ugh. Horrible. I'm sitting here in my room waiting for her to come over. Because, you know, shes like that. Ugh. ugh. Ugh. I just wish I was normal. Enough of that stuff. Other than obsessing over v* I love doing make up. I work at Sephora doing 3rd shift recovery. In a couple of months I will be opening the Providence RI Sephora and work normal hours. UMM, I really love music. Mostly old school77 punk, glam and rock n roll. But my favorite band is NSYNC [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]Dont laugh haha. Umm what else? I also love Queen. Freddie Mercury is one of my heros, I have him tattooed on me. Currently I have blue hair.. um.. trying to make this interesting haha... um ... thats about it!

    I'm really glad I found this forum.

  15. #255
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United Kingdom


    Hey,well Im not so new but thought Id come over and say hello and put my bit in as well since I havent already.

    Anyway my name is Violet I like in Scotland UK, I have had this phobia since about the age of 9, dont really want to talk about the times that have produced this phobia as at the moment im not feeling to great.

    It has taken over90% of my life,havent managed to travel any further than about 30-40miles for about 5 years now,even the slightest bit of neausea sends me into a pannic,this is something I really really need to get over because its rewining my life.

    Well first psychologist appointment tomorrow *fingers crossed*


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  16. #256
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    My name is Natasha and I'm 16 years old. I had emetophobia before when I was younger then it came back at the age of 13. I went on a school trip to Germany and I was sick, I already had my emetophobia so the week was one of the worst of my life.

    I went to the doctors the over day and he gave me tablets, I really don't see what good they're going to do. I can take tablets till the cow comes home but they won't stop me from telling myself I'm going to be sick.

    I was meant to go to London for a day but felt really sick, and I was sick, and I just couldn't do it. I got on the coach but broke down in tears and had to admit to my parents what was the matter. They've been absolutely amazing and supported me all the way. They're now helping me, along with my doctor. I hope to chat more soon x

  17. #257
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    My name is Kristina and I'm 18 years old. I live on Long Island, which is in New York, and I never want to leave! I live about two minutes from a beach that I love to spend time at day or night, summer or winter. I'm a freshman in college, I went to Binghamton University in upstate New York last semester, and I transferred home to Farmingdale State, partially because of my phobia. But, I miss ita lot and I've worked up the nerve to give it another try, so I will be transferring back to Bing next semester. I'm very chatty and friendly. My family and my friends mean the world to me. I've been dating my boyfriend for three years, and he's transferring to Binghamton with me next semester! I plan on majoring in nursing with a minor in Spanish. I speak fluent Italian. I have a puppy named Samantha (I named her after the character Sam in Garden State, if anybody saw that movie) anda cat named Pepper. Besides for this phobia, I love my life and I try to live everyday to the fullest. I'm very optimistic!
    \"if you can\'t laugh at yourself, life\'s gonna seem a whole lot longer than you\'d like\"- garden state

  18. #258
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States


    Hi Everyone!!! My name is Rebecca, and I am new to the site. I am a 28y/o stay at home mom from New Orleans. I am so excited about this site....where have you been for 10 years!!!(lol)....I feel so relieved to have a name for my fear. i look forward to getting to know other people like me.

  19. #259
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United Kingdom


    Hi, I'm Joanne and I'm from Lincolnshire, England. I'm 32 and I live
    with my boyfriend of three years and my Jack Russel Terrier dog!

    I love Football and have always supported Liverpool FC. I also like
    Formula One. I am a huge Michael Schumacher fan! In my spare time I
    love the internet and playing games like RCT, The Sims and many others!

    Pleased to meet you all!

  20. #260
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United Kingdom



    i am lyndsay i am24 well 25 on sunday i live in scotland UK i have 2 little boys 2 and 4

    my hobbies r ebay the gym and horse riding

    I have been dealing with this phobia for as long as i can remember and have no idea how it started although i have not v* for 14 years and managed to get through post natal deppression and a breakdown

    I hope to be able to cure my fear and be tge person i once was

    nice too meet everyone[img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

  21. #261
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    My name is Amanda, and I live in Marion, AR. I am about 10 minutes from downtown Memphis, TN. I'm 28, married, and have 2 kids. Michael is 8 and Bethanie is 4 (and they will be 9 and 5 in May). I've been married for over 9 years, and I am a full time college student, majoring in Elementary Education and minoring in Biology. I go to a small, private college in Memphis. I spend most of my free time online, and am an admin on a parenting site. I love to read romance novels and listen to music (and it's gotta be rock, preferrably alternative).

  22. #262
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Dunno if im too late to post a reply to this, but, in any case, My name is Kit, I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, I am 20 years old and work in a hotel downtown as an auditor/manager. I live with my loved one,girlfriend of five years, our only children are our Cat, Lily and two rats, Tabitha and Zoe. I cant beleive there is a forum site like this,nice to meet you all

  23. #263
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hello everyone

    I haven't been on this site for a few years. A bad episode at home and I come running. Like most of you, I am the only person I know who has this phobia. And even when I told my husband that this phobia was very common (according to this website) he didn't really believe me. It's such a stupid thing to be afraid of.

    My name is Chris, I am 46 years old and live in South Australia. I have two daughters and right now the oldest, who is 16, is ill with a virus that is making her v* (love this way of writing what is such a disgusting word). You'd think that at 16, she'd know better than to get sick, wouldn't you??? Now, I'm going through the waiting game of her younger sister getting it.

    But forget all that. I have just finished the research component of a PhD in molecular biology, and am trying to write my thesis. But what this means is I spend more time at home waiting for one of the kids to get sick (oops, sorry obsessing here). I also do part-time work for a university, and am teaching myself Flash animation. I love reading, watching science fiction and crime shows. I don't exercise as much as I should and hate the process of aging (there is always something on my body aching).

    I have lots of pets, an old house we're renovating (the old twenty year plan) and everything would be peachy if I didn't fear the kids getting sick. Before I had kids I used to be afraid to fly, to travel on public transport, to go into hospitals, to walk near drunks etc etc. But since giving birth, my phobia has coagulated into a nice neat package of the kids getting sick. Or me getting sick so the kids will get sick.


  24. #264
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    HEdited by: Girlygirl1980s

  25. #265
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Hi, my name is Judy &amp; i'm 30 years old and I live in Ossining, NY. I'm not married, I'm engaged, and I live w/my hubby unit. We've been together for almost 8 years, and no, there is no wedding date yet. I have 4 wonderful cats that I consider my "kids" and I take care of about 10 outside stray cats, so, my house is full. I'm a paralegal currently working for an investment bank and I'm studying to get my broker's license. I enjoy reading books by James Patterson, watching House &amp; Prison Break and I never miss American Idol.
    &lt;a href=\"
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  26. #266
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States



  27. #267
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    I'm new, just found this place. Looking for someplace to say hi and I guess this is the best place.

    I'm eighteen years old, and I'm currently studying Internet Computer
    Science at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. I'm a local girl -
    my parents house and old High School is about fifteen/twenty minutes
    away. Currently loving my studies to bits - Computers are an awesome
    thing to study

    I also love Rock/Metal Music - mainly Goth Rock such as Siouxsie and
    the Banshees, Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus, Jack Off Jill, Inkubus
    Sukkubus, Diva Destruction, Switchblade Symphony. I'm also a huge fan
    of Alice Cooper. For more of what I listen to, you can visit
    my last.fm account.

    Rock and Computing are the two biggest parts of my life at the moment -
    as well as my friends, most of them being people who frequent the Rock
    Society nights. I love them to bits because they're sensible drinkers
    (meaning I feel safe drinking with them) and they're also extremely
    understanding of my problems.

    I've no idea how long I've been an emet for. Probably since between the
    ages of eight and ten - though I know the phobia rooted itself
    beforehand. It's never caused me any major problems - other than the
    fact I can't look after my friends or family when they're ill, I have
    problems with what I eat rather than how much I eat, and I have
    problems with travelling.

    Currently don't have anyone special. Looking for them, though

  28. #268
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United States


    Hi my name is Sharon. I am 25. I live in plymouth meeting, Pennsylvania. (Its is outside of Philadelphia) I just recently got married in OCtober to my husband Reese. I have one stepson who unfortunately moved this past summer to Vandenburg, California. He live in the naval base or something like that. He is 8 and adorable. I am administraive assistant in A healthcare business. I ove spending time at home or out with my friends and family. I looking to find someone on here from PA to see if they can give me any ideas on where i can get help for my problem.

  29. #269
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    United Kingdom


    Hi everyone

    I'm Abbie, i am 17 and live in North Wales, UK! I have had Emetophobia for almost 8 years now and have now got OCD too because of it. I'm still at school at the moment taking my A Levels, im doing Psychology and Religious Studies.

    I love animals and have a cat called Max!! I love rock/indie music!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was so shocked when i found this site and found out how common this awful phobia is, i have been reading the posts for a couple of months now but only just registered and its really cool to meet all of you[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]
    x abbie x

  30. #270
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I am new here and it is interesting to me that so many of us love animals. I am 40 and live in Colorado with my husband and 6 month old baby. I went through the entire pregnancy without vomiting and I probably waited to long to have a baby because I was so afraid of morning sickness.

    Anyway, I live in a rural area and have many animals - dogs, cats, horses and reptiles. I love animals and would be lost without them.

    I am looking forward to hearing more about everyone and glad to know I am not alone.



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