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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United Kingdom


    Hi all,

    Big dilemma, great big one. I've been accepted to 4 / 6 Universities so far, including the one I'd like to go to. One thing that worries me - I'm so scared about how much V* i'd come face to face with, I mean.. it seems like V* heaven! All that drinking..

    I get terrible panic attacks from seeing other people do it, and I'm worried I wouldn't be able to cope.. I usually deal with situations like that by getting home ASAP, but ovbiously at Uni there would be less escape, unless I stay in En-Suite accomodation..

    Sorry if this is all a muddle but I'm so confused.. I'm so temped just to withdraw my application but it seems such a shame where I know a lot of my friends haven't got into ANY universities..

    Is it the wise thing to give it a miss? I'm not entirely sure I want to persue the subject as a career anymore anyway, but I can't figure out of thats because I'm scared of what I've been describing or not! I was originally going to study Business at uni, but after recent events at work etc (long story!) I seem to think I've been gifted with the ability to work with people with mental and learning disabilites, and was going to give this a go for a year.. But does this option only seem good because it avoids University?

    Thanks for reading, any advice would be largly appreciated.. thanks a million!! xx
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  2. #2
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    Aug 2004
    United States


    Hey =] I'm probably just a year younger than you and I've got to get my apps in next year. I'm thinking of the same thing. I'm worried about that and another thing but here's what I'm doing...I know this is not encouraged but my best friend and I are trying to get into the same Uni. So far the ones we chose, you can request your own roommates and I think if my best friend (She knows aboutmy emet...)is there, just there,I can live. (There is a big chance, I wont be with her but I'm going to try next year)Do you have any friends going with you? Sorry I can't give you any good advice since I haven't gone away to college but I dont think you should give up your acceptances!! =] Hmm...I think I learned that people can choose their majors up to even their third year in university so dont worry. =] Eh..sorry if it sounds like i'm rambling.
    <font color=PINK><center>Believe in Yourself</center></font>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    I'm currently In my 3rd year of Uni, and this is my first year living in the dorms. So far, I haven't seen anyone throw up, or heard about any Sv's floating around. I have my own room, and I share a private bathroom with 4 other girls.

    I was scared as well before I moved, but its the best thing I have ever done! I've made some really good friends, I even told the RA about the extent of my fear, which made me feel alot better.

    I really think you should think about going. I've only gotten sick once this year ( a horrible cold) and that was when I was away for christmas vacation at home!

    there are so many things you learn at Uni, and not all of them come from a textbook

    see if you can request a private room, most Uni's will let people do this with medical documentation, I didn't even need one to get my room.

    Its the best thing I have ever done. living on my own ( even if it IS in a dorm), has taught me alot of things, and you learn to be a little more independant in a less extreme environment, where almost everything is taken care of for you.

    Its a good starting point, because one day you WILL want to live by yourself, and this is kind of like a baby step into it!

    one thing I wanted to add is that cleaning/ hand washingis not a cumpulsion of mine,( I'mmore of a checker)and I still really havent gotten any sicker this year than normal.Edited by: Babydoll
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United Kingdom



    Thanks for your lovely quick responses, helped me a great geat deal! I'm glad your enjoying Uni so much Babydoll, and Wing, I'm sure you'll enjoy it and yeah it'll be good if you get to stay with your friend!

    I think it definatly is a good step into that big scary world, can't lock myself up at home forever..

    Again a big thank you for your advice, much appreciated

    Jackie x
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  5. #5
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    Dec 2005
    United States


    I loved college, even had a roomate for a year! I found that the V* at college is caused by drinking 95% of the time, and that really doesn't freak me out as much as SV. Honestly, in 4 years, I only had to deal with it 3-4 times. The degree was WORTH it, trust me!!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    I am going to be frank --- You see as much or as little as you so desire. If you drink or have lots of friends who drink too much, you will see tons of it. If you don't drink and don't have friends who drink, you will only see as much as the people around you happen to get sick from what they eat or from a virus going around. It really isn't that bad...

    I lived in the dorms for all of college and it was really an experience. There was more V* in my suite (4 girls, 2 rooms, and 1 bathroom) due to stress or a migraine than anything else. My roommate V* due to her migraine and so did our suitemate. One of my suitemates had some nasty virus thingie that we think was related to stress and she was violently ill, but she had experienced the same thing before when the stress level suddenly let up (2 semesters in a row!). None of us drank and yes, we have had people run into our bathroom and V* due to illness and their bathroom be full - but it was a rarity.

    Community bathrooms can be really different, but I never had to experience that. Just avoid them at night after you know people have been drinking and invest in good headphones so you can crank up your music if you know someone is V* (or might V* due to illness and is camped out in the bathroom). Invest in good cleaning supplies in case you have to clean something up (for example, the shower on a weekend and no one else can clean it and you have to shower and there is no other one to use).

    Trust me... you can honestly avoid it most of the time. You might run into problems with girls being bulimic and them V* as often as you might run into people and their excessive alcohol. Viruses do go around and you just have to keep your hands clean and try and not come into close contact with those who are ill. I cannot stress how many viruses are spread because people don't wash their hands and or share drinks/ food with other people (the ABC food thing...).
    I\'m always a shade of purple...
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    Wow, Purple, that was really good. You must be a great teacher! May I use that in a future revision of the Emetophobia FAQ?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Hey Jackie,

    I'm in third year at university, but I've never lived on-campus, always rented a room or a suite off-campus. This year I'm in a basement suite with my friend. I've only had to deal with other people v*ing three times in my three years, and one of the times was when I was home at my parents' place!! My roommate had an sv a couple months ago and I didn't catch it. Just giving you my little "statistics" - maybe to encourage you! As far as I can see, if you are careful, being at university is no different from being at work / high school / home etc.

    Hope you have peace in your decision!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    All I know is that when I was in College (or University or whatever [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]) I went out to the bars at night and hung out with people who drank and never once did I see anyone V*. My friends at school shared with me some of their V* stories and once in the dorm bathroom I heard someone V*ing but I just got out of there and used the one on the floor below us. I was scared of that too, so I didn't have a roommate. The only time I actually KNEW Of one of my friends V*ing was from Food Poisoning and I didn't see it or hear it, in fact I lefther room to go to bed and aparently like 15 minutes later she V*ed. She talked about it the next day that's how I knew. Anyway I wouldn't worry about it, College is a GREAT expereince and I wouldn't let emet get me down, you shouldn't either.

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Hey there jackie!

    Don't let emet ruin such a wonderful opportunity for you! University is great, you'll love the atmosphere - it's such a happy, laid back place. Mine is, anyway! ^_^ I'm a second year student, and not once in my first year did I see anything vaguely related to v*! Then again, I lived off-campus, but still. If you're planning on sharing a flat with some others, make sure it's with some sensible people - that way you won't have to worry about wild partying and drinking, which may lead to v*. Like purple teacher said, its up to you to choose what kind of lifestyle you will be living. I shared a house with 3 others, and it was such a laugh. We cooked our own meals (when we could be bothered), went out together...generally just had a really good time. No v* in sight, for the whole year. The worst that happened to me was that I picked up a mild cold! But that was from not having a jacket on me while I was waiting for the bus, lol.

    Definitely give it a go, you'll have a blast!

    \"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars..\"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United Kingdom


    Hi everyone!

    Thanks again for all your lovely support, has been such a great help!

    I'm still kind of scared about University.. But I'm feeling hopfull about getting a room with my own private bathroom! Will have to wait and see thougb *crosses fingers* I'm not a big drinker (don't really drink at all now!) so drunken situations shall be avoided..

    I hate the fact that I'm petrified of seeing others V* and only kinda scared of myself! But thats the way the cookie crumbles..

    I'm glad to hear how much you all like(d) Uni though! Good luck (or well done!) with those degree's... and thank you once again!

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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    I am glad you have not let your emet ruin your future. Unfortunately I was not so brave and after applying and being accepted at 2 universities I lost my nerve and did not accept. I now regret it so much. I am about to start an Open University course and study at home but I still regret not going to uni 12 years ago.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Me too emetojackie - only kind of scared of myself and VERY scared of others!

    Let's just say, I decided to live at home while I went to school.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    Hey, I went to uni and abslouetly loved it. I had ensuite which was brilliant as I could keep it as clean as i wanted. where do you have offers for

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by nicki
    Hey, I went to uni and abslouetly loved it. I had ensuite which was brilliant as I could keep it as clean as i wanted. where do you have offers for

    So far Writtle, Suffolk, Essex and Surrey.. just gotta hear back from Brighton and Sussex! Glad you enjoyed Uni so much
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  16. #16
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    United States


    I spent a year living in a dorm. I had one room mate and I shared a bathroom with three other girls. The only time I knew of someone being sick was when my roomie was drunk and ended up v* on the bathroom floor b/c she didn't make it in time to the toilet. I was sleeping and it was cleaned up by the morning--I only knew about it since one of my other dorm mates told me about it. Don't let this hold you back from uni--it is a great experience and you will regret it if you don't go. If it gets too bad try living on your own or at home.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Everyone else has already covered the possibilities of sickness in the dorms.

    I will just add that if you think that you could be good at working with people with learning disabilities, you could choose a college major in keeping with that career choice. (education, psychology, social work etc.)

    And college can be a time of exploration in which you realize whether you will be good at business or at something else. You don't have to have it all figured out before you get there.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    to be honest my emet hasnt been as bad during these last few years its just bad when it comes to me feeling nauseous. Before I use to have panic attacks whenever I saw someone that needed to V* but my wild side got the best of me and I started going out to party a lot. Whenever I went out to go clubbingor kareokemy friends who had a bit too much to drink would need to v* and I got tired of not being there for my friends that i slowly tried to cope with it. Bringing them tea into the washroom and leaving, which slowly progressed to me staying outside of the stall while my friend v*, to me being able to see v*(from alcohol that is), to being able to see ppl v*(alcohol), to me being able to be there for my friends not *WATCHING* them v* but standing behind them and help them hold their hair back and using my other hand to cover up my face so i dont smell it. hahaha.. but it was horrifying at first, but for me it was.. as long as i can walk away from the situation then its okay... like as long as there is a door out.. cause i cant be confined to a place where there is v* (alcohol or no alcohol v*). But funny thing is... i distingushed it as alcohol V* and REAL v*... real V* as in the v* that is not alcohol induced. I have V*ed maybe 7 times since i FIRST remebered myself v-ing. and3 of thoes times i was constantly waking up needing to v* so i think i caught the sv. the other times were either I ate too much, or I just didnt feel well, and the most recent one which was last year,,,. I was upset and i drank too much and had to v* but there was so little it just smelt like alcohol, afterwards I was fine and hyper ... so im not very scared of alcohol v* just real v*. Point is... maybe you'll adapt to it, alcohol v* is not as bad as real v... also my friends treat it like its nothing.. cause when they know they drank too much and they feel like theyre going to be sick later on.. instead of waiting for it.. they stick two fingers down their throat .......WHICH SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF ME... but because they treat it as nothing that big of a deal it makes me a little bit more comfortable... that like "hey if it doesnt affect them,, it shouldnt affect me".. i try to keep a good outlook on it. Ive been to Resident parties, usually where ever the party is held is where everyone v* So i say as long as you stay in your dorm room everything should be fine. I use to be so scared of it that when ppl just mention the word i would feel sick the rest of the day... so its a big improvement from before.. if you feel like you need to talk to someone.. you can add me on msn ..its [email protected] .... dont let this once in a lifetime opportunity pass away. You cant let emet control your decisions in life.
    Joined in 2006. For all those that have helped me I hope I can offer some help for those who seek it now.



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