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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    OK, so this is totally self-loathing and rediculous, but I have to vent. The sv* is kicking around here full-speed again. It seems like mostly the kids are getting it, but adults too. Maybe its just that I notice it more, or because I am more afraid of getting sick traveling where I can't just go to the comfort of my home. I am really pissed off right now about it, mostly at myself because I will stress the entire time that I am on my trip instead of having fun. I am so sick of doing this!!! Can anyone relate?? Do you get paranoid before traveling/trips??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Yes, because of my fears, I tend to get panicky or feel like the only safe, clean place to be is at home. You're not alone!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I am a hermit this time of year!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I agree, it's out of control here, and yesterday was my kids' birthday party, and my friends let their kids play on the play place with a hundred other kids, so my husband let my kids go, too, because they were CRYING. I felt so bad for them, but I am going to feel even worse when they start v;ing!!! THurs. is Logan's b-day, she is going to be 6 and my kids are always sick on their birthdays, so I am not holding my breath for a fun week!!! I want to be a hermit, I was last year when I was pregnant, and my kids still caught svs!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I live in Toronto and flying to Vancouver for two weeks and then flying to Hong Kong.. which is in total 3 plane trips to there and back.Probably 6 hours to get to Vancouver, 13 - 15 hrs to HK from Vancouver and I dont even want to think about how long it'll take me to get back to Toronto from HK. But yes ..you're not alone... im paranoid, cause I always have bad luck on plane trips... cause i ALWAYS hear of or see ppl who need to vomit, or SEE people going to the washroom to *you know what*. the worst is that Im stuck on the plane with no where to go ... which sucks when its like a 15 hr plane trip. BTW im paranoid now.. its only going to get worst as it gets closer to the date of my departure. Its hell..... I leave on June 13th, its Feb 21st..........


    Joined in 2006. For all those that have helped me I hope I can offer some help for those who seek it now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    I was sick and dry heaving for a whole week in japan once.



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