Quote Originally Posted by jay_rough

Hmm, how come you guys can't stand anyone being around when you're sick? Is it embarrassment? If I'm with schoolfriends, it makes me feel better, they laugh at people who vomit, although it may feel bad for me, I try to laugh at the sound too.

If I'm with Amy, I tend to act the worst, crying or sobbing and shaking, I want someone with me at my side, just to say something comforting. I just sort of want someone to know, to be there, to be able to help if anything goes wrong.

I don't want someone around me when I actually vomit because I just want to get it over with, and for some reason having someone there makes me believe it may prolong the process (which I know isn't true- but I think if someone is there I may hold on and try to prevent it longer). I also realize how completely gross I am at that particular moment, and would rather it remain private. It may possible also be because I, at the moment, can't stand to be around someone when they are sick, and don't want to afflict that on anyone else. I don't particularly want anyone around me when I have a bowel moment either, and I consider the two to be similar (just opposite ends, lol)

I don't mind having someone around me if I feel sick- but I would rather proceed to the bathroom on my own when the vomitting begins. I don't fear vomitting myself, and don't perceive myself to be in any danger when it actually occurs.

*amber*Edited by: crimgoddess