Oh, yes. If I come home from the store, the first thing I want to do is WASH MY HANDS. I feel like they are crawling with germs. Then I feel like stuff I touched before I washed my hands (steering wheel, doorknob) are comtaminated so I avoid those. You are definitely not alone.Try to get help. It is a very common thing these days that can be helped. I was WAAAAYYYY worse before I got medication. Now, you'd never know how I felt if I didn't tell you. And I don't feel that bad. I used to count, have rituals, compulsions, I was a skeleton because of my eating (emet) phobias. My skin was raw and you could see it a mile away.Now I'm tons better. I still wash my hands more than other people, can't stand v* or germs, but to look at me or watch me, I'm normal.