I used to sleep walk when I was a kid. My mom said it was weird, (I'm recounting this from what my mom told me, I don't remember any of it) one time I got up and went into the bathroom and pulled all the tissues out of a tissue box and threw them around the room and then went back to sleep. Then one time my mom saw me sleep walking, I went back into my room and laid down and went to sleep with my eyes OPEN...don't ask me how. Anyway I never really had a sleep walking episode again until I was about 19...all I remember is thinking that someone was V*ing in the bathroom next to me. I went downstairs and fell asleep on the couch, but when I woke up I was in the basement on top of a pile of junk. It was weird. It's never happened again though.

It probably is just stress. But don't worry I heard somewhere that sleepwalkers usually grow out of it and rarely hurt themselves (At least not DELIBERATELY) you just have to watch out for them falling down stairs and running into walls and what not.
