I am not feeling very well this morning. I have had these sharp pains starting right under where my ribs meet, shooting down to my belly button. I have no idea waht is wrong with me. I ate a bagel and some grapes for breakfast, so I don't think I am hungry. I didn't sleep well last night because my MIL spent the night and had to get up really early to go to the airport. I was up late last night talkign to her then I heard her alarm going off this mornin gand was never able to really go back to sleep. As I was laying there I felt kind of off, but I figured it was just from me worrying about it and not getting enough sleep. When I got up I felt fine, and I have felt fine for the last 2 or 3 hours. I ate about an hour ago, so I am not sure what is wrong with me. I hope it is just anxiety and lack of sleep. My parents are going to have "the talk" tonight about getting divorced, and I think it is affecting me more that I first thought it was. Maybe the pain is just gas? I really don't know, but I can't take anything for it since I am pregnant. I hate feeling like this!