
Hello to you and it's good to see you too.

Thanks for your kind words. Everyone is so great here. I know what you are saying that I got through it before but someone has always been here at the dreaded time so I have been able to stay away. It is going to happen one day when I am here on my own and I cant even cope with the thought of that let alone actually doing it. That is what I am so scared of. What am I going to do when I am on my own and my son tells me he feels s*? It is actually waiting for it to happen that is worse for me. If he did it and then told me that he did it and it was over I wouldnt be too bad. If he said he feels s* and wanted me to stay with him while it happens I couldnt do it. Then what kind of mother would that make me. I am 100% happy with everything else. If anyone had a limb hanging off or bleeding profusely I would be okay. I have also been okay with him having bad dihorrea. Anything but V*.

Well, I will stop ranting now. My dinner is cooked now and I have given myself a stomach ache with the worry. This is why I dont come on this site too often. Reading about all this just makes me worse.

I will try to keep in touch a bit more often now though as I do miss you all and wonder how you all are.

Hope you are free of emet situations !!!!!!!

