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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    this is from a very reputable Canadian newspaper, the Globe and Mail:
    <DIV id=line>
    <H2>Desktop dining a dirty business</H2></DIV>
    <DIV id=author>
    We've all done it and many of us do it five days a week. A hint: if you can shake crumbs out of your keyboard like it's a toaster, you're probably proficient at it. Whether it's a bagel and coffee, a sandwich and soup, last night's leftovers or a takeout meal, desktop dining has become a common way people multitask their way though e-mails, paperwork, phone calls, breakfast and lunch, even dinner.</DIV>
    <DIV id=article style="FONT-SIZE: 115%">

    Opting for a bite at your desk can save time during a hectic work day, but there's an unhealthy downside to eating at your desk. And it has nothing to do with the lingering smell of a co-worker's tuna sandwich or microwave popcorn. Desktop dining could leave you feeling ill, lethargic, and carrying a few more pounds than you'd like.

    Consider this: the average desktop is home to 100 times more bacteria than a kitchen table and 400 times more than the average toilet seat. That's what a team of microbiologists from the University of Arizona learned when they measured bacterial levels inside offices located in New York, San Francisco, Tucson and Tampa.
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    The five most germ-contaminated spots were (in order) phones, desktops, water fountain handles, microwave door handles and keyboards. The office toilet seat had the lowest bacteria levels of the 12 surfaces tested.

    These results aren't too surprising when you consider that everything on your desk gets touched by you and by anyone else who shares your work space. What's more, many people don't take the time to wipe down their work area -- unless they start sticking to it.

    Since the majority of bacteria that cause food poisoning are spread through your hands, you'd be wise to keep a supply of anti-bacterial wipes handy.

    In the study, the researchers divided co-workers into two groups -- one group used disinfectant wipes to clean their desks, phones and computers; the other didn't. Among people who didn't clean their desks, bacteria levels increased as much as 31 per cent during the day. If desktop surfaces were wiped down once daily, germ levels declined by 99.9 per cent.

    Even the office candy jar can be risky if the candies aren't individually wrapped or the hands that reach for them aren't clean.

    Because most food-poisoning bacteria are odourless, colourless and tasteless, there are no clues to a harmful food. The only way to guard against food-borne illness is to handle foods safely in the first place -- and that starts by keeping your desktop and your hands clean.

    There are other reasons to stop using your desk as a kitchen table, even if you do keep it bug-free. Eating while you work can lead to overeating. If you pay more attention to your inbox than your meal -- or cram in a sandwich en route to an afternoon meeting -- you're not likely to notice when you feel full. You won't savour your food and you may even forget what you've eaten.

    Eating at your desk also means you don't get up and move around. Even a 10-minute brisk walk can increase your heart rate and keeps you feeling energized for up to two hours.

    Safe desktop dining

    If you do eat at your desk, or in the lunchroom, take precautions to keep your food safe to eat:

    Keep the desk clean. Don't expect the cleaning staff to do it for you. Regularly sanitize your work space using disposable anti-microbial wipes or a cloth with cleaner.

    Wash your hands often, using soap and hot water for 20 seconds. If you don't have time for soap and water, use a hand sanitizer stored in your desk drawer.

    If your brown-bag lunch contains perishables -- meat, cheese, leftov
    <font size=\"4\"><font color=MAGENTA><font face=\"Times New Roman, Times, serif\">It can, and does, get better with time.</font></font></font>

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    You know, I could almost believe it too! Where I worked before I worked on floor one, well on floor 2 someone was ill. Then more and more people got it, I don't think anyone on floor 2 didn't get it! They have a kitchen that they all share too. It freaked me out as I had to go up there everyday, but they were always sharing utensils etc etc. It was kinda interesting in a weird way haha Edited by: hippychick
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    It is absolutely disgusting to think about it....and i work in a bank and have NASTY money all over my desk every single day...i do eat at my desk too...and i always keep a thing of Lysol wipes, and wipe it down before i eat...i do my keyboards and mouse and phone also. I think my coworkers think i am a little nuts...but i don't care. I think it's nasty and i know why lies on that money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    There was a similar article on MSN yesterday. I think if you just keep your hands clean and wipe down your desk with anti-bac wipes a couple times a week it is fine. I have been doing this for 5 years and haven't had any SVs and few colds (knock on wood).
    \"Napoleon, you\'re just jealous because I\'ve been talking to babes online all day.\" ~ Kip

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United Kingdom


    I think this is being over-cautious. Who do you ever hear saying "yeah, I caught *insert infection/disease/whatever* cause I ate my lunch at my desk". We are immune to a lot of bugs and I eat lunch at my desk all the time, and haven't had a problem so far. As long as you're sensible about cleanliness and hand hygiene, you'll be fine and if an "outbreak" happens of something, it would probably be sensible to be even more careful.

    Your desk might have more bugs than a toilet seat but it's what the bugs are that count. Think about where they come from, we come into contact with peoples hands everyday so we'll have built up an immunity to it... But well... Unless you go licking toilet seats, you'll be a lot more susceptible to diseases from toilets, hence why it's more "dirty".

    I'm skeptical about this sort of thing, lol.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Lysol and Clorox wipes are the best!!!! Just wipe everything down first thing in the morning, and things should remain somewhat germ-free.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    a little extreme in my opinion.. I do this all the time ( eat at my desk)!! whens the last time I had a SV? how about never!!

    I honestly dont take many precautions against germs, wash my hands afrer the bathroom, clean my room when it needs it, etc.

    I think this article is an example of why there are so many germaphobes out there.
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    Ihave heard that before and I believe it. Peoplecan be so nasty! For example, just today a guy I work with was tellingme about another man in the building who goes to the bathroom (#2) and doesn't wash his hands afterwards!!!! He has been in the bathroom with him twice and has identified him by his shoes. This man brings his lunch a lotso heis eating in theoffice kitchen a lot. When I think of how many times I have touched the fridge and microwave after him I cringe!!!! GROSS! And others tease me about using so much hand sanitizer......well, it's a good thing with nasty people like that in the building!

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